Raids (EN)

Raids (EN)
$44.99 CAD
Raids In Raids, players sail from island to island to collect vikings and viking-related paraphernalia, using them fight one another for good spaces and fight monsters for points.In more detail, the game lasts four rounds, and at the start of each round tiles are laid out at the various locations on the path that all players must follow. On a tu...
Schotten Totten (EN)

Schotten Totten (EN)
$19.99 CAD
Schotten Totten nine boundary stones lie between you and your opponent. In front of each, you build poker-like formations of three cards on a side. Whoever plays the higher-ranking formation wins the stone. And in a unique twist, you may use your powers of logic to claim a stone even before your opponent has played all three of his cards, by dem...
The Big Book of Madness (EN)

The Big Book of Madness (EN)
$44.99 CAD
The Big Book of Madness So far your first year at the Elementary College has been slightly disappointing. They taught you to light a flickering flame at the tip of your finger, but other than that you've spent much more time reading books than learning powerful spells as future great wizards like you should.So when you heard about the Big Book o...
Titanium Wars - Confrontation Expansion (EN)

Titanium Wars - Confrontation Expansion (EN)
$27.99 CAD
Titanium Wars - Confrontation Expansion (anglais)The first extension for the galactic combat game ! The wars have reached the end of the galaxy, new alliances have been formed. The new “Confrontation” game mode offers two new ways to play: forge an alliance with another player and fight two enemies simultaneously in an epic 2v2 game, or duke it ...