Lorenzo Il Magnifico : Houses of Renaissance Expansion (EN)
$49.49 CAD
Lorenzo Il Magnifico : Houses of Renaissance Expansion In Lorenzo il Magnifico: Houses of Renaissance, each player now becomes the head of a powerful house of Renaissance, each of which has a strong special ability that only that player can use. Players choose the houses from the ten available at the beginning of the game through a special and f...
Stranger Things - Upside Down (EN)
Stranger Things - Upside Down (EN)
$74.99 CAD
Stranger Things - Upside Down Hawkins, Indiana seems like an average town. However, underneath the exterior lurks a secret. The Hawkins National Laboratory has been doing experiments that have unleashed the horrors of the Upside Down. It's up to the kids in the town to save it.In Stranger Things: Upside Down, players take on the role of the kids...