Ethnos - 2nd Edition (EN)

Ethnos - 2nd Edition (EN)
Ethnos - 2nd Edition In Ethnos 2nd Edition, players must take control of the various clans of Ethnos, gathering members and unleashing them into the six regions. Each clan has different special abilities, and depending on who you choose to lead your groups, different strategies can be employed.2nd Edition includes a new merchant clan, updated ru...

Location - Rum & Bones (anglais)
Rum & Bones (anglais) CE PRIX EST POUR LA LOCATION DU JEU SEULEMENT Dépôt à la réception du jeu : 95$ Avast ye pirates! Gather your crews and set sail for adventure on the high seas in Rum & Bones! Based on online MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) style games, Rum & Bones has 2-6 players taking control of legendary pirate heroes...

Location - Rum & Bones Kickstarter Edition (EN) jeu usagé (inclus Mazu's Dreadful Curse and Heroes, La Brise Sanguine and Heroes, Bone Devils Heroes, Wellsport Brotherhood Heroes, Mercenary Heroes Expansions)
Rum & Bones CE PRIX EST POUR LA LOCATION DU JEU SEULEMENT Dépôt à la réception du jeu : 100$ Avast ye pirates! Gather your crews and set sail for adventure on the high seas in Rum & Bones! Based on online MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) style games, Rum & Bones has 2-6 players taking control of legendary pirate heroes, each wi...
Marvel Zombies (EN)

Marvel Zombies (EN)
Marvel Zombies There’s a zombie plague spreading throughout the populace. Mighty super heroes are doing what they can to halt its spread. But as powerful as they may be, they are not immune to the ravages of the virus. Now, heroes that have been turned by the plague are actively trying to spread it as far as they can. They’ve even retained much ...
Marvel Zombies (FR)

Marvel Zombies (FR)
Marvel Zombies Il y a une épidémie de zombies qui se répand dans la population. De puissants super-héros font ce qu’ils peuvent pour arrêter sa propagation. Mais aussi puissants soient-ils, ils ne sont pas à l’abri des ravages du virus. Maintenant, les héros qui ont été transformés par la peste essaient activement de la propager aussi loin qu’i...

Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Clash of the Sinister Six (EN)
Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Clash of the Sinister Six (EN) Marvel Zombies: Clash of the Sinister Six – A Zombicide Game is an expansion for Marvel Zombies that brings an exciting rogues’ gallery into the fray. With former Super Villains joining either side of the battles raging across New York City, from the greens of Central Park to the ...

Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Clash of the Sinister Six (FR)
Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Clash of the Sinister Six (FR) Marvel Zombies: Clash of the Sinister Six – A Zombicide Game is an expansion for Marvel Zombies that brings an exciting rogues’ gallery into the fray. With former Super Villains joining either side of the battles raging across New York City, from the greens of Central Park to the ...

Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Fantastic 4: Under Siege (EN)
Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Fantastic 4: Under Siege (EN) Marvel Zombies: Fantastic 4: Under Siege – A Zombicide Game is an expansion for Marvel Zombies introducing the last stand of the Fantastic 4 against their zombie nemesis, which can be experienced in both Zombie Mode and Hero Mode. Featuring Super Heroes, Zombie Heroes, and Bystand...

Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Fantastic 4: Under Siege (FR)
Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Fantastic 4: Under Siege (FR) Marvel Zombies: Fantastic 4: Under Siege – A Zombicide Game is an expansion for Marvel Zombies introducing the last stand of the Fantastic 4 against their zombie nemesis, which can be experienced in both Zombie Mode and Hero Mode. Featuring Super Heroes, Zombie Heroes, and Bystand...

Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Guardians of the Galaxy set (EN)
Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Guardians of the Galaxy set (EN) Marvel Zombies: Guardians of the Galaxy Set – A Zombicide Game is an expansion for Marvel Zombies that adds a roster of space-dwelling characters to the game, including the ragtag members of the Guardians of the Galaxy. This band of living and zombie heroes must all contend with...

Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Guardians of the Galaxy set (FR)
Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Guardians of the Galaxy set (FR) Marvel Zombies: Guardians of the Galaxy Set – A Zombicide Game is an expansion for Marvel Zombies that adds a roster of space-dwelling characters to the game, including the ragtag members of the Guardians of the Galaxy. This band of living and zombie heroes must all contend with...

Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Hydra Resurrection (EN)
Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Hydra Resurrection (EN) Marvel Zombies: Hydra Resurrection – A Zombicide Game is an expansion for Marvel Zombies in both Zombie Mode and Hero Mode. It brings the conflict between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra to new heights. As the chaos between living and zombie heroes rages on, Red Skull attempts to seize power by c...

Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Hydra Resurrection (FR)
Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Hydra Resurrection (FR) Marvel Zombies: Hydra Resurrection – A Zombicide Game is an expansion for Marvel Zombies in both Zombie Mode and Hero Mode. It brings the conflict between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra to new heights. As the chaos between living and zombie heroes rages on, Red Skull attempts to seize power by c...

Marvel Zombies - X-Men Resistance (EN)
Marvel Zombies - X-Men Resistance (EN) Marvel Zombies: X-Men Resistance – A Zombicide Game is a cooperative game were 1 to 6 players control the last surviving Super Heroes facing off against Zombie Heroes and the zombie hordes controlled by the game itself. The goal is to complete Mission Objectives, defeat your Enemies, and rescue endangered B...

Marvel Zombies - X-Men Resistance (FR)
Marvel Zombies - X-Men Resistance Marvel Zombies: X-Men Resistance – A Zombicide Game is a cooperative game were 1 to 6 players control the last surviving Super Heroes facing off against Zombie Heroes and the zombie hordes controlled by the game itself. The goal is to complete Mission Objectives, defeat your Enemies, and rescue endangered Bystan...

Marvel Zombies : la Résistance des Héros (FR)
Marvel Zombies : la Resistance des Heros Un terrible virus se propage dans la population, transformant tous ceux qu’il infecte en zombies stupides, avides de chair des vivants. La police et l’armée régulières font ce qu’elles peuvent, mais pour vraiment arrêter les hordes de morts-vivants, il faudra quelque chose de plus fort. Marvel Zombies: A...

Massive Darkness 2 - Bards and Tinkerers vs Metal Angel (EN)
Massive Darkness 2 - Bards and Tinkerers vs Metal Angel Craft the way to victory, inspired by powerful chords! A Bard's music and chants can sow dread and despair among the most fearsome enemies and inspire allies to acts of mighty heroism in the midst of combat. A Tinkerer's ingenuity knows no bounds, allowing them to assemble weapons and gadge...

Massive Darkness 2 - Feyfolk (EN)
Massive Darkness 2 - Feyfolk The fairest forms can contain the darkest souls! Feyfolk were beings of the Light, friends to the Lightbringers, but after the mad unicorn Chromatis turned to the Shadow, many followed his steps. It is not known when the first Harpies began serving the Darkness, but today they act as loyal sentinels patrolling all co...

Massive Darkness 2 - Gates of Hell (EN)
Massive Darkness 2 - Gates of Hell Dare To Enter the Gates of Hell! In the darkest depths of forgotten catacombs stand the Gates of Hell. Guarded by vigilant watchers and haunted by shadows caught between worlds, only the most foolhardy or desperate dare seek out this cursed portal. Naturally, this is the Lightbringers' road. For while getting i...

Massive Darkness 2 - Heavenfall (EN)
Massive Darkness 2 - Heavenfall Massive Darkness 2: Heavenfall allows players to experience a Campaign taking them from the depths of the Infernal Realm to the heights of Heaven as they pursue the source of the Supernal Realm’s involvement in the current Massive Darkness. 14 + 60 - 120 min 1 - 6 joueur(s)

Massive Darkness 2 - Heavenfall (FR)
Massive Darkness 2 - Heavenfall Massive Darkness 2 : Heavenfall comprend neuf figurines entièrement assemblées, prêtes à affronter les joueurs qui s'efforcent de les vaincre. Nouveaux ObjetsUne nouvelle quête s'accompagne de nouveaux objets plus puissants, qui sont désormais disponibles dans un niveau ultime : Légendaire. Nouvelles QuêtesAvec 14...

Massive Darkness 2 - Hellscape (EN)
Massive Darkness 2 - Hellscape The Massive Darkness has returned. This time, you’ll have to fight the source of evil itself! Years ago, the Lightbringers defeated the Darkness. But while the Darkness may have been driven back, a new generation of Lightbringers will have to make their way into the Infernal Realm to find the source of this Darknes...

Massive Darkness 2 - Kit de Conversion (FR)
Massive Darkness 2 - Kit de Conversion Pack de conversion qui permet d'ajouter le matériel de la première édition à la deuxième édition. Permet de jouer l'ensemble des héros et des monstres de Massive Darkness dans Massive Darkness 2. 14 + 60 - 120 min 1 - 6 joueur(s)

Massive Darkness 2 - Moines et Nécromanciens vs le Parangon (FR)
Massive Darkness 2- Moines et Necromanciens vs Le Parangon Manipulez les Énergies de Vie et de Mort ! Tandis que les nécromanciens récoltent des énergies dès le moment de la mort, les moines font appel à leur propre force vitale puissante pour se concentrer sur les chakras des sept esprits, se dotant ainsi de capacités surhumaines et d’une incro...