
Ankh - Extension Les Dieux D'Égypte- Coffret Gardiens (FR)
Ankh - Extension Les Dieux D'Égypte- Coffret Gardiens (FR) La plupart des Gardiens contenus dans ce set sont de terribles démons dotés de capacités vicieuses que les dieux préféreraient avoir à leurs côtés plutôt que de les utiliser contre eux. L'introduction de nouveaux Gardiens dans le jeu offre de nouvelles options parmi lesquelles choisir, a...
Ankh - Gods of Egypt (EN)

Ankh - Gods of Egypt (EN)
Ankh - Gods of Egypt Play as a god of ancient Egypt, competing to survive as society begins to forget the old ways, so that only you and your followers remain. Build caravans, summon monsters, and convert followers in your quest to reign supreme in Ankh: Gods of Egypt. Deities, monsters, and the people of ancient Egypt have been lovingly reimagi...

Ankh - Gods of Egypt - Guardians Expansion (EN)
Ankh - Gods of Egypt - Guardians Expansion While all gods possess power and responsibility beyond that of mortal ken, they themselves were never created equal. Not all bestrode the world like the mighty sun, or commanded the realm of the dead, or even represented all of feline kind in their regal majesty.The lesser gods and demons knew their pla...

Ankh - Gods of Egypt - Pantheon Expansion (EN)
Ankh - Gods of Egypt - Pantheon Expansion The war of the gods did not begin with any formal declaration. No sides were drawn, no single event cascaded into open battle. Instead, it was the slow realization that as devotion to one god waxed, power to the others waned.Some thought themselves above the fray, thought themselves wiser, learned, or im...

Ankh - Gods of Egypt - Pharaoh Expansion (EN)
Ankh - Gods of Egypt - Pharaoh Expansion In ancient times, a single individual was chosen as intermediary between the gods and mortal man. This king was anointed as prophet, priest, and ruler by the gods themselves, and charged with maintaining Ma’at, cosmic balance and order, over the land of Egypt and its people. The right of law, the right of...
Ankh - les Dieux d'Égypte (FR)

Ankh - les Dieux d'Égypte (FR)
Ankh - les Dieux d'Egypte Pour des centaines d’années, les égyptiens ont été polythéistes. Cependant, ils se dirigent vers le monothéisme. Dans Ankh, vous êtes l’un des Dieux qui cherche à accroitre sa popularité auprès de la populace. En construisant des monuments et vous alliant à diverses créatures, vous devrez prouver votre dominance. Au fi...

Ankh - Les Dieux d'Egypte - Pantheon - Extension (FR)
Ankh - Les Dieux d'Egypte - Pantheon Extension L'extension Panthéon introduit un tout nouvel ensemble de cinq dieux égyptiens, chacun apportant ses propres capacités et guerriers dans la lutte contre le néant. L'ajout de nouveau dieu dans le jeu ne donne pas seulement de nouvelles options au joueur qui le contrôle, mais change aussi la donne pou...

Ankh - Les Dieux d'Égypte - Pharaon Extension (FR)
Ankh - Les Dieux d'Egypte - Pharaon Extension Cette extension rapproche la lutte divine du monde des hommes, et d'un homme en particulier : le Pharaon de toute l'Egypte ! Les dieux feront bien d'envoyer leurs prêtres dans le palais royal afin d'influencer les affaires du royaume, en manipulant les différents bureaux afin d'obtenir un avantage po...
Arcadia Quest (EN)

Arcadia Quest (EN)
Arcadia Quest In Arcadia Quest, players lead guilds of intrepid heroes on an epic campaign to dethrone the vampire lord and reclaim the mighty Arcadia for their own. But only one guild may lead in the end, so players must battle against each other as well as against the monstrous occupying forces. Arcadia Quest is a campaign-based game for 2 to ...

Arcadia Quest - Hassan Expansion (EN)
Arcadia Quest - Hassan Expansion A strange prince, from a distant land. Hassan's combat prowess might only be rated as 'adequate' if not for his astonishing luck. He credits his forward thinking battle strategies and the mystic Dagger of Rhee-Do. Enemies that would surely have struck him a fatal blow find themselves outmaneuvered and bleeding fr...

Army or the Dead - A Zombicide Game (EN)
Army or the Dead - Zombicide Game The world didn’t end when the zombies arrived. The outbreak was mostly contained, except for some highly-infected, no-go zones. One such zombified area? Las Vegas. But there’s always opportunity in the City of Sin. A group of well-trained and equipped mercenaries have found out about a vault full of cash, ripe f...

Army or the Dead - A Zombicide Game (FR)
Army or the Dead - A Zombicide Game Le monde n'a pas pris fin lorsque les zombies sont arrivés. L'épidémie a été en grande partie contenue, à l'exception de certaines zones interdites fortement infectées. Une telle zone zombifiée ? Las Vegas. Mais il y a toujours des opportunités dans la ville du vice. Un groupe de mercenaires bien entraînés et ...
Bloodborne - The Board Game (EN)

Bloodborne - The Board Game (EN)
Bloodborne - The Board Game (EN) In Bloodborne: The Board Game, a campaign-based action-adventure game, players take on the role of Hunters working together against the game to uncover the mysteries hidden within the city of Yharnam and beyond. Learn the behavior of monsters, exploit their weaknesses, and strike them down! Success or failure wil...

Bloodborne - The Board Game - Chalice Dungeon (EN)
Bloodborne - The Board Game - Chalice Dungeon (EN) Gameplay in the Chalice Dungeons open up an entirely new way to experience Bloodborne. Hunters will be faced with randomly devastating new versions of enemies as they explore the catacombs and rooms. The goal of each game in the Chalice Dungeon is simple: find the Boss Room, find a way to unlock...

Bloodborne - The Board Game - Forbidden Woods (EN)
Bloodborne - The Board Game - Forbidden Woods (EN) "Fear the old blood." You speak the password, passed down from Vicar to Vicar across generations. The door creaks open, and the man who sits beyond is unmoving in death. Putting your fears aside, you come back to the Hunt. This shrouded forest, long forbidden, holds the key to your journey. You ...

Bloodborne - The Board Game - Hunter's Dream (EN)
Bloodborne - The Board Game - Hunter's Dream The Hunter's Dream expansion brings many exciting new elements to your Bloodborne experience. This expansion is not a campaign, but a plug-in that adds an extra layer of challenges and possibilities to ANY campaign, as well as an epic extra Chapter at the end of it. -Can be added to any campaign for a...

Cyberpunk 2077 - Les Gangs de Night City (FR)
Cyberpunk 2077 - Les Gangs de Night City Cyberpunk 2077 : Gangs of Night City est un jeu compétitif dans lequel 1 à 4 joueurs jouent le rôle de gangs impitoyables se disputant le contrôle de l'underground dans l'enfer étincelant qu'est Night City. Affrontez d'autres gangs, alors que votre bande de durs entreprenants cherche à dominer la pègre cr...
DUNE - War For Arrakis (EN)

DUNE - War For Arrakis (EN)
DUNE - War For Arrakis Arrakis is a desert world seemingly dead and barren, yet here lies the most important resource in the galaxy: Spice. Without Spice, space travel is impossible, and humans become little clusters on isolated planets. The noble House that controls Arrakis and the production of Spice wields great power. The Emperor ga...
Dune - War For Arrakis (FR)

Dune - War For Arrakis (FR)
Dune - War For Arrakis Arrakis est un monde désertique apparemment mort et aride, mais c'est ici que se trouve la ressource la plus importante de la galaxie : l'épice. Sans Spice, les voyages dans l'espace sont impossibles et les humains deviennent de petits amas sur des planètes isolées. La maison noble qui contrôle Arrakis et la produ...

DUNE - War For Arrakis : The Spacing Guild (EN)
DUNE - War For Arrakis : the Spacing Guild The Spacing Guild expansion introduces a Space Board where Guild Heighliners will race through space to bring reinforcements to Arrakis, as well as one Heighliner Board for each faction, where players will stow the reinforcements they’re able to get from the Imperium forces and send hurtling a...

DUNE - War For Arrakis : The Spacing Guild (FR)
DUNE - War For Arrakis : The Spacing Guild L'extension Spacing Guild introduit un Space Board où les Guild Heighliners parcourront l'espace pour apporter des renforts à Arrakis, ainsi qu'un Heighliner Board pour chaque faction, où les joueurs pourront ranger les renforts qu'ils peuvent obtenir des forces de l'Imperium et envoyer à trav...

Lorenzo Il Magnifico : Houses of Renaissance Expansion (EN)
Lorenzo Il Magnifico : Houses of Renaissance Expansion In Lorenzo il Magnifico: Houses of Renaissance, each player now becomes the head of a powerful house of Renaissance, each of which has a strong special ability that only that player can use. Players choose the houses from the ten available at the beginning of the game through a special and f...
Marvel Zombies (EN)

Marvel Zombies (EN)
Marvel Zombies There’s a zombie plague spreading throughout the populace. Mighty super heroes are doing what they can to halt its spread. But as powerful as they may be, they are not immune to the ravages of the virus. Now, heroes that have been turned by the plague are actively trying to spread it as far as they can. They’ve even retained much ...
Marvel Zombies (FR)

Marvel Zombies (FR)
Marvel Zombies Il y a une épidémie de zombies qui se répand dans la population. De puissants super-héros font ce qu’ils peuvent pour arrêter sa propagation. Mais aussi puissants soient-ils, ils ne sont pas à l’abri des ravages du virus. Maintenant, les héros qui ont été transformés par la peste essaient activement de la propager aussi loin qu’i...