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Pyro (FR)

Pyro (FR)
$23.99 CAD
Pyro Quand je serai grande je serai…un dragon !Voilà votre rêve de chauve-souris pleine d'ambition ! Suivez les traces de votre idole, Pyro le dragon. Attention, il ne se laissera pas approcher si facilement.Vous avec 4 cartes devant vous, mais vous n'en connaissez que 2. VOTRE BUT : Avoir moins de points que vos adversaires ! Échangez vos carte...
Curses and Covens (EN)

Curses and Covens (EN)
$23.99 CAD
Curses and Covens Curses & Covens is an all verses one card game where three or more friendly towns face off against the witch hunter. One player plays as the witch hunter and wins by capturing witches. The player playing the witch hunter will be trying to keep track of where the cards are and pushing their luck to try and collect them. The ...