- Accueil
- Nouveautés
- Abstrait et Stratégie +
- 120 min +
- 1 joueur

SETI : Recherche d'intelligence artificielle (FR)
$104.99 CAD
SETI : Recherche d' intelligence artificielle Dans SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, un jeu européen pour 1 à 4 joueurs, vous dirigez une institution scientifique chargée de rechercher des traces de vie au-delà de la planète Terre. Le jeu s'inspire des technologies et des efforts actuels ou émergents en matière d'exploration spati...
Dune Imperium : Bloodlines Expansion (EN)

Dune Imperium : Bloodlines Expansion (EN)
$56.99 CAD
Dune Imperium Bloodlines Expansion The Great Houses of the Imperium live and die by their lineage. Plots unfold over generations as Emperors build dynasties, and the Bene Gesserit weave prophecy into reality. As alliances rise and fall, leaders face a single question: How far will you go to secure your bloodline?Bloodlines expands both Dune: I...
Thorgal (EN)

Thorgal (EN)
$106.99 CAD
Thorgal Thorgal: The Board Game is a cooperative storybook adventure game for 1-4 players aged 14+ designed by Joanna Kijanka, Jan Maurycy, and Rafał Szyma. Players take on the roles of Thorgal, his wife Aaricia, their son Jolan, and Kriss – a deadly female warrior, and go on a series of adventures. The game consists of 7 stand-alone scenarios, ...
Ancient Knowledge - Heritage Extension (FR)

Ancient Knowledge - Heritage Extension (FR)
$26.99 CAD
Ancient Knowledge - Heritage Expansion Prouvez à vos adversaires que vous êtes le digne représentant de votre Héritage ! Les cartes Bâtisseur et Connaissance de cette extension ajoutent de nouvelles combinaisons et ouvrent de nouvelles opportunités stratégiques pour vos prochaines parties, aussi bien à plusieurs qu’en solo. Certaines cartes de ...
Defenders Of The Wild (FR)

Defenders Of The Wild (FR)
$77.99 CAD
Defenders Of The Wild Coopérez avec les autres factions animales pour résister à l'invasion des machines. Incarnez l'une des quatre factions uniques et assemblez votre équipe de défenseurs à partir d'un large éventail de personnages animaux pour résister aux machines sur une carte modulaire qui change à chaque partie. Les Défenseurs peuvent-ils...

Le Seigneur des Anneaux JCE - le jeu de cartes édition révisée - le Retour du Roi - Campagne Extension (FR)
$92.99 CAD
Le Seigneur des Anneaux JCE - le jeu de cartes edition revisee - le Retour du Roi - Campagne Extension Vivez la fin du voyage pour détruire l'Anneau Unique dans l'extension Le Retour du Roi pour Le Seigneur des Anneaux : Le Jeu de Cartes !Cette extension contient six scénarios qui recréent les aventures de la deuxième partie de la légendaire sa...
Resafa (EN)

Resafa (EN)
$85.99 CAD
Resafa The game Resafa takes place during the 3rd century AD in the area of today’s Middle East. Resafa now lies in ruins in modern-day Syria, but at this time it was a fortified desert outpost that flourished as a stop along important caravan routes. In the game, players represent merchants who travel on business trips and buy and sell goods i...
Defenders of the Wild (EN)

Defenders of the Wild (EN)
$59.99 CAD
Defenders of the Wild Tactical area control meets fantasy adventure in this card-driven cooperative adventure game of animals against machines from the designer of PARKS and the creator of Bloc by Bloc. Join your fellow animal defenders to clear pollution, fight mechs, breach walls, build camps, and rewild factories across a modular map that cha...
Daitoshi (EN)

Daitoshi (EN)
$78.99 CAD
Daitoshi Daitoshi places us in an era without precedence, built by steam. You will produce goods in your factory to gain resources, or you’ll move your magnate around the city to hire workers, expand the city, electrify districts, trade with other cities, or build new inventions. These actions, however, will destroy the landscape and the wildern...
Andromeda's Edge: Exotic matter (EN)

Andromeda's Edge: Exotic matter (EN)
$21.99 CAD
Andromeda's Edge: Exotic matter Behold, Andromeda’s Edge: A dazzling, uncharted region of space on the edge of the Andromeda Galaxy. Littered with the modular debris of the precursor civilization, patrolled by malicious extragalactic raiders, and bordered by dense nebulae, The Edge is a last resort for the brave and foolhardy who seek a new life...
Andromeda's Edge: Escalation (EN)

Andromeda's Edge: Escalation (EN)
$32.99 CAD
Andromeda's Edge: Escalation Behold, Andromeda’s Edge: A dazzling, uncharted region of space on the edge of the Andromeda Galaxy. Littered with the modular debris of the precursor civilization, patrolled by malicious extragalactic raiders, and bordered by dense nebulae, The Edge is a last resort for the brave and foolhardy who seek a new life be...
Andromeda's Edge (EN)

Andromeda's Edge (EN)
$76.99 CAD
Andromeda's Edge Behold, Andromeda’s Edge: A dazzling, uncharted region of space on the edge of the Andromeda Galaxy. Littered with the modular debris of the precursor civilization, patrolled by malicious extragalactic raiders, and bordered by dense nebulae, The Edge is a last resort for the brave and foolhardy who seek a new life beyond the opp...