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- 120 min
Jeux de société
Break In - Chichen Itza (FR)

Break In - Chichen Itza (FR)
Break In - Chichen Itza Break In - Chichen Itza vous transporte au fin fond de la jungle, à la découverte des trésors de l'ancien empire maya. Explorez les pyramides et les temples de ce peuple disparu et percez leurs secrets en résolvant des énigmes passionnantes. Parviendrez-vous à découvrir ce que cache la légende de Kukulcàn, le serpent à pl...

Marvel Zombies - X-Men Resistance (FR)
Marvel Zombies - X-Men Resistance Marvel Zombies: X-Men Resistance – A Zombicide Game is a cooperative game were 1 to 6 players control the last surviving Super Heroes facing off against Zombie Heroes and the zombie hordes controlled by the game itself. The goal is to complete Mission Objectives, defeat your Enemies, and rescue endangered Bystan...

Marvel Zombies - X-Men Resistance (EN)
Marvel Zombies - X-Men Resistance (EN) Marvel Zombies: X-Men Resistance – A Zombicide Game is a cooperative game were 1 to 6 players control the last surviving Super Heroes facing off against Zombie Heroes and the zombie hordes controlled by the game itself. The goal is to complete Mission Objectives, defeat your Enemies, and rescue endangered B...

Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Hydra Resurrection (FR)
Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Hydra Resurrection (FR) Marvel Zombies: Hydra Resurrection – A Zombicide Game is an expansion for Marvel Zombies in both Zombie Mode and Hero Mode. It brings the conflict between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra to new heights. As the chaos between living and zombie heroes rages on, Red Skull attempts to seize power by c...

Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Hydra Resurrection (EN)
Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Hydra Resurrection (EN) Marvel Zombies: Hydra Resurrection – A Zombicide Game is an expansion for Marvel Zombies in both Zombie Mode and Hero Mode. It brings the conflict between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra to new heights. As the chaos between living and zombie heroes rages on, Red Skull attempts to seize power by c...

Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Clash of the Sinister Six (FR)
Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Clash of the Sinister Six (FR) Marvel Zombies: Clash of the Sinister Six – A Zombicide Game is an expansion for Marvel Zombies that brings an exciting rogues’ gallery into the fray. With former Super Villains joining either side of the battles raging across New York City, from the greens of Central Park to the ...

Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Clash of the Sinister Six (EN)
Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Clash of the Sinister Six (EN) Marvel Zombies: Clash of the Sinister Six – A Zombicide Game is an expansion for Marvel Zombies that brings an exciting rogues’ gallery into the fray. With former Super Villains joining either side of the battles raging across New York City, from the greens of Central Park to the ...

Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Guardians of the Galaxy set (FR)
Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Guardians of the Galaxy set (FR) Marvel Zombies: Guardians of the Galaxy Set – A Zombicide Game is an expansion for Marvel Zombies that adds a roster of space-dwelling characters to the game, including the ragtag members of the Guardians of the Galaxy. This band of living and zombie heroes must all contend with...

Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Guardians of the Galaxy set (EN)
Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Guardians of the Galaxy set (EN) Marvel Zombies: Guardians of the Galaxy Set – A Zombicide Game is an expansion for Marvel Zombies that adds a roster of space-dwelling characters to the game, including the ragtag members of the Guardians of the Galaxy. This band of living and zombie heroes must all contend with...

Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Fantastic 4: Under Siege (FR)
Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Fantastic 4: Under Siege (FR) Marvel Zombies: Fantastic 4: Under Siege – A Zombicide Game is an expansion for Marvel Zombies introducing the last stand of the Fantastic 4 against their zombie nemesis, which can be experienced in both Zombie Mode and Hero Mode. Featuring Super Heroes, Zombie Heroes, and Bystand...

Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Fantastic 4: Under Siege (EN)
Marvel Zombies - A Zombicide game: Fantastic 4: Under Siege (EN) Marvel Zombies: Fantastic 4: Under Siege – A Zombicide Game is an expansion for Marvel Zombies introducing the last stand of the Fantastic 4 against their zombie nemesis, which can be experienced in both Zombie Mode and Hero Mode. Featuring Super Heroes, Zombie Heroes, and Bystand...

Marvel Zombies : la Résistance des Héros (FR)
Marvel Zombies : la Resistance des Heros Un terrible virus se propage dans la population, transformant tous ceux qu’il infecte en zombies stupides, avides de chair des vivants. La police et l’armée régulières font ce qu’elles peuvent, mais pour vraiment arrêter les hordes de morts-vivants, il faudra quelque chose de plus fort. Marvel Zombies: A...
Marvel Zombies (FR)

Marvel Zombies (FR)
Marvel Zombies Il y a une épidémie de zombies qui se répand dans la population. De puissants super-héros font ce qu’ils peuvent pour arrêter sa propagation. Mais aussi puissants soient-ils, ils ne sont pas à l’abri des ravages du virus. Maintenant, les héros qui ont été transformés par la peste essaient activement de la propager aussi loin qu’i...
Marvel Zombies (EN)

Marvel Zombies (EN)
Marvel Zombies There’s a zombie plague spreading throughout the populace. Mighty super heroes are doing what they can to halt its spread. But as powerful as they may be, they are not immune to the ravages of the virus. Now, heroes that have been turned by the plague are actively trying to spread it as far as they can. They’ve even retained much ...

Time Stories - Revolution: Le Manoir Cavendish (EN)
Time Stories - Revolution: Le Manoir Cavendish (EN) A group of careless children enter an old New England mansion in search of their classmate Damien, who has been missing for several days... The next adventure in the Time Stories Blue Cycle 10 + 60 - 120 min 2 - 4 Joueurs

Sleeping Gods - Ruines Ancestrales Extension (FR)
Sleeping Gods - Ruines Ancestrales Extension (FR) Donjons ajoute six donjons à Sleeping Gods. Dans un donjon, le gameplay sera légèrement modifié par rapport au jeu normal.Vous pouvez accéder à ces donjons à des endroits spécifiques de l’atlas du jeu de base Sleeping Gods. Lorsque vous atteignez un emplacement qui contient un donjon, vous pouvez...

Sleeping Gods - Dungeon Extension (FR)
Sleeping Gods - Dungeon Extension Donjons ajoute six donjons à Sleeping Gods. Dans un donjon, le gameplay sera légèrement modifié par rapport au jeu normal.Vous pouvez accéder à ces donjons à des endroits spécifiques de l’atlas du jeu de base Sleeping Gods. Lorsque vous atteignez un emplacement qui contient un donjon, vous pouvez choisir de lire...
Évasion - Péchés (FR)

Évasion - Péchés (FR)
Evasion - Peches (FR) Un Escape Room au thème adulteDeux personnes et un cadavre accroché au mur. C'est ainsi que commencèrent les épreuves mortelles mises en place par le Gouvernement Mondial pour faire régner sa justice. Les personnages de ce jeu sont-ils liés d'une quelconque manière? Dans la première salle se trouve un livre qui liste les se...

Zombicide - 2nd Edition: Iron Maiden Pack 3 (ML)
Zombicide - 2nd Edition: Iron Maiden Pack 3 (ML) Through the mists of time, Eddie has been seen as a herald of destruction. Malevolent or benevolent, it’s hard to say. No matter where he goes, he’s certain to make an impact as a real trooper.Iron Maiden Character Pack #3 includes two large-sized miniatures of the famous mascot, Eddie, from Iron ...

Zombicide - 2nd Edition: Iron Maiden Pack 2 (ML)
Zombicide - 2nd Edition: Iron Maiden Pack 2 (ML) Through the mists of time, Eddie has been seen as a herald of destruction. Malevolent or benevolent, it’s hard to say. No matter where he goes, he’s certain to make an impact as a real trooper.Iron Maiden Character Pack #2 includes six miniatures of the famous mascot, Eddie, from Iron Maiden. Alon...

Zombicide - 2nd Edition: Iron Maiden Pack 1 (ML)
Zombicide - 2nd Edition: Iron Maiden Pack 1 Through the mists of time, Eddie has been seen as a herald of destruction. Malevolent or benevolent, it’s hard to say. No matter where he goes, he’s certain to make an impact as a real trooper.Iron Maiden Character Pack #1 includes six miniatures of the famous mascot, Eddie, from Iron Maiden. Along wit...
CATAN - Big Box (ECO) (FR)

CATAN - Big Box (ECO) (FR)
CATAN - Big Box (ECO) The mainland is only a vague memory in your mind when you see it: CATAN pierces the horizon. Your mission ? Colonize this island to build prosperous cities there. However, other ships are on the horizon and hordes of settlers land on the banks. The first colonies grow rapidly; space is becoming scarce. To conquer, you will ...

Distilled – Afrique et Moyen Orient (FR)
Distilled – Afrique et Moyen Orient Explorez les ingrédients, les recettes et les personnalités de l'Afrique et du Moyen-Orient avec cette extension de Distilled. Goûtez aux cultures non incluses dans le jeu de base en distillant et en vendant de nouveaux spiritueux tels que Akpeteshie et Boukha. Utilisez de nouvelles améliorations de distilleri...
Distilled (FR)

Distilled (FR)
Distilled Vous venez d'hériter de la distillerie abandonnée d'un parent éloigné et vous allez devoir redorer le blason familial. Vous devrez apprendre de nouvelles recettes et vous battre pour obtenir les meilleurs ingrédients, les plus belles bouteilles et les fûts les plus prestigieux. Vous pourrez également améliorer vos installations et fair...