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- 20 à 30 min
Jeux de société
Ticket to Ride - First Journey Europe (EN)
Ticket to Ride - First Journey Europe Ticket to Ride: First Journey takes the gameplay of the Ticket to Ride series and scales it down for a younger audience. In general, players collect train cards, claim routes on the map, and try to connect the cities shown on their tickets. In more detail, the game board shows a map of Europe with certain ci...
Catan Junior (EN)
Catan Junior (EN)
Catan Junior Explore the seas! Catan: Junior introduces a modified playing style of the classic Settlers of Catan, giving players as young as five a perfect introduction to the Catan series of games. Catan: Junior takes place on a ring of islands where 2 to 4 players build hideouts and encounter the mysterious Spooky Island, where the Ghost Capt...
Spicy (EN)
Spicy (EN)
Spicy Once upon a time, three big cats became exhausted fighting to be top cat. They agreed to quit the fight and spice up their nine lives with a hot spice eating contest. Alas, everyone was soon cheating, so the cats invented a very hot, often tearful, bluffing game. Spicy is a bluffing card game for 2-6 players. The cards are played face dow...
None of a Kind (EN)
None of a Kind (EN)
None of a Kind None of a Kind, is a quick-playing pattern-building game — well, anti-pattern-building really. The game includes 80 color cards and 30 point cards (valued -4 to 10); each color card has 1-4 words on it, with the words being one of five colors but printed in one of the remaining four colors. Thus, the card might have "Gelb" (yell...
Aqualin (EN)
Aqualin (EN)
Aqualin There's turmoil at the reef, with different sea animals forming swarms again and again. Each turn in Aqualin, the active player selects one of six stones and places it on an empty field. One player is trying to make groups of the same color, while the other is forming groups of identical sea creatures, with players having the ability t...
Pixit (EN)
Pixit (EN)
Pixit Create order out of chaos! Pile up your Pixits, pick a card, and twist, turn and tip your cubes into place to recreate a pixelated image. This highly addictive, simple to learn game can be played alone, in pairs or in groups – hours of fun inside one little cube! Pixit is for ages 6+ and can be played alone, in pairs or in groups. For tw...
Mind the Gap (EN)
Mind the Gap (EN)
Mind the Gap Players have a hand of cards, each representing stations on the London Underground. Each card shows the coloured underground lines served by that station. Some stations will be intersections of numerous lines, others will be on a single line. The first player lays a card face up and players in turn play cards that are on a line th...
Cubitos (EN)
Cubitos (EN)
Cubitos In Cubitos, players take on the role of participants in the annual Cube Cup, a race of strategy and luck to determine the Cubitos Champion. Each player has a runner on the racetrack and a support team, which is represented by all the dice you roll. Each turn, you roll dice and use their results to move along the racetrack, buy new dice...
Grimm Masquerade (EN)
Grimm Masquerade (EN)
Grimm Masquerade The Beast has invited you to his castle for a Masquerade. When you enter, you are magically transformed into the identity of another character from The Grimm Forest! The Beast enjoys his antics! Players will be outed if they are given 2 artifacts of their bane, but can win the magical masquerade if they are able to collect 3 ar...
Mysterium Park (ML)
Mysterium Park (ML)
Mysterium Park Bienvenue au Parc des Mystères ! Les barbes à papa, son cirque, ses sombres secrets... L'ancien directeur du parc a disparu, mais l'enquête n'a rien donné. Depuis cette nuit-là, des événements étranges se produisent sur le champ de foire. En tant que médiums, vous êtes convaincus qu'un fantôme hante ce carnaval... Vous avez mainte...
New York Zoo (EN)
New York Zoo (EN)
New York Zoo Puzzling and animal breeding: Designer Uwe Rosenberg is at his best! In New York Zoo, you are constructing an animal park. Build animal enclosures, introduce new animals and raise their offspring. The game play is straight forward as you have only two turn options: Puzzle a new enclosure tile into your zoo area or gain new animals ...
Infinity Gauntlet : A Love Letter Game (EN)
Infinity Gauntlet : A Love Letter Game The Mad Titan Thanos seeks the Infinity Stones to bend the universe to his indomitable will, but courageous heroes are assembling to stand in his path to ultimate power. Based on the beloved card game and set in the Marvel Universe, Infinity Gauntlet: A Love Letter Game features the elegant mechanics of th...
Le Gant d'Infinité - Un jeu Love Letter (FR)
Le Gant d'Infinité - Un jeu Love Letter Le Titan fou, Thanos cherche les pierres de l'infini pour plier l'univers à sa volonté, mais des héros courageux se rassemblent pour se dresser face à lui. Incarnerez-vous Thanos en quête des Pierres d’Infinité ou rejoindrez-vous le camp des héros qui tentent de l’arrêter ? Basé sur les mécaniques du je...
Big Money (FR)
Big Money (FR)
Big Money Amassez des sommes colossales … et soyez le plus riche à la fin ! Lancez les dés jusqu’à 3 fois et récupérez un max d’oseille : un full vous rapportera 15 Zillions, une grande suite 25 ! Ayez du flair et investissez dans les affaires qui rapportent pour développer votre empire. Allez-vous miser sur votre équipe de foot préférée, ...
Under Falling Skies (EN)
Under Falling Skies (EN)
Under Falling Skies Under Falling Skies is a solo game with a multi-mission campaign. In each mission, you take charge of defending a besieged city.Your actions are powered by an innovative dice placement mechanic. When you choose an action, you are also choosing which enemy ships will descend. Bigger numbers give better effects, but they also ...
Une Patate à Vélo - le jeu
Une Patate à Vélo - le jeu
Une Patate a Velo - le jeu Est-ce que ça se peut une patate à vélo ? Une licorne qui pète ? Basé sur le livre d'Élise Gravel, Une patate à vélo - Le jeu, est un jeu dans lequel vous devez décider si les combinaisons se peuvent ou pas en essayant d'avoir tous la même réponse pour avancer sur la piste. Du plaisir et des découvertes rigolotes pour ...
Panache (FR)
Panache (FR)
Panache Une version révolutionnaire - et maintenant destinée à toute la famille - du célèbre jeu « L'osti d'jeu » ! Dans Panache, vous personnalisez vos cartes avec des autocollants !On ajoute des autocollants aux cartes rouges afin de créer des combinaisons uniques, surprenantes et encore plus drôles ! Avec vos nouvelles créations en mains, rép...
Bar Barians (EN)
Bar Barians (EN)
Bar Barians Bar Barians is an exuberant fighting game in which toddling barbarians fight each other with unusual weapons. Lead your character through rivers of booze and drunk opponents, roll your dice to test your attack efficiency and be prepared to defence yourself, even with human shields! Be the last one standing and become the ultimate br...
Midnight Brunch (EN)
Midnight Brunch (EN)
Midnight Brunch Will you be able to pick up the best group of these monstrous diners to spell with them the nicest portions of Midnight Brunch? Players every turn should try to get the best score by adding the different values of their Monster cards, possibly by helping with the effects of some special cards. Using an betting mechanic, everyo...
Royal Wedding (EN)
Royal Wedding (EN)
Royal Wedding In the almost resplendent kingdom of the goblins, everything is ready for the nuptials of Princess Koncita. Well, almost ready... The preparations enrage the princess as everything seems to be going wrong for her. Koncita has a difficult character, and all around her hordes of terrified servants bustle about, attempting to satisfy...
Smiles and Daggers (EN)
Smiles and Daggers (EN)
Smiles and Daggers Smiles & Daggers is based on one of the most famous dilemmas of game theory. The term counter-competition, a neologism invented by the authors, describes the main mechanism of the game. It is a competitive game in which victory is more achievable through co-operation, but there can be only one winner. In other words, keep...
Bande de Canaillous / Barnyard Bunch (ML)
Bande de Canaillous / Barnyard Bunch Les animaux de la ferme de Franz aiment bien prendre la poudre d’escampette et avec de la chance au dé et en s’entraidant, les joueurs doivent essayer de les faire rentrer à l’étable. Si les joueurs parviennent à empêcher les animaux de quitter la dernière case du sentier, ils gagnent tous ensemble ! Con...
Wild Space (ML)
Wild Space (ML)
Wild Space Explorez ce nouvel eldorado rempli de trésors et de mystères. Une partie de Wild Space se joue en 10 tours. À chaque tour, chaque joueur utilise une de ses Navettes sur une des Planètes à sa disposition, puis effectue l’action correspondante. Les actions sont de deux types : piocher des cartes ou en poser une devant soi, pour const...
Paris : Ville Lumière (FR)
Paris : Ville Lumière (FR)
Paris : Ville Lumiere PARIS, 1889. La révolution de la lumière est en marche! Grâce à l'exposition universelle, le fabuleux pouvoir de l'électricité est désormais connu de tous. L'éclairage public abandonne peu à peu le gaz, et les rues deviennent plus lumineuses que jamais. À vous d'en profiter! En tant que promoteur immobilier, érigez des bâti...