Jeux de société à prix régulier
Super Fly (ML)
Super Fly (ML)
Super Fly Les insectes sont là ! Et ce n'est pas pour vous faire plaisir ! Pour gagner le Superfly, vous devez réussir à écraser tous les bons insectes en cours de route. Au début de chaque tour, un certain nombre de cartes sont distribuées, puis quelqu'un compte "1, 2, 3" et chacun écrase sa tapette à mouches remplie de dés sur la carte de s...
Sultans de Karaya (ML)
Sultans de Karaya (ML)
Sultans de KarayaAux confins de l’océan Indien se trouve l’archipel de Karaya divisé en plusieurs petits pays, chacun dirigé par un Sultan. Il n’est donc pas étonnant que sa place soit toujours très convoitée. Le but est de se joindre aux vainqueurs en complotant. A vous d’utiliser adroitement les pouvoirs de votre personnage pour parvenir à vos...
Suburbia - Expansions (EN)
Suburbia - Expansions (EN)
Suburbia - Expansions Suburbia: Expansions contains three large expansions for Suburbia that were originally released independently — Suburbia Inc., Suburbia 5?, and Suburbia Nightlife — as well as two smaller expansions: Essen and Cons. These expansions can be used with Suburbia one at a time, in any mixture, or all at once!This collection incl...
Stone Age (EN)
Stone Age (EN)
Stone Age (anglais) The "Stone Age" times were hard indeed. In their roles as hunters, collectors, farmers, and tool makers, our ancestors worked with their legs and backs straining against wooden plows in the stony earth. Of course, progress did not stop with the wooden plow. People always searched for better tools and more productive plants t...
Suburbia 2nd edition (EN)
Suburbia 2nd edition (EN)
Suburbia 2nd edition Plan, build, and develop your small borough into a major metropolis. Use hex-shaped building tiles to add residential, commercial, civic, and industrial areas, as well as special points of interest that provide benefits and take advantage of the resources of nearby boroughs.Suburbia is a tile-laying game in which each player...
Steamrollers (ML)
Steamrollers (ML)
Steamrollers les joueurs utilisent des dés pour construire un réseau de rails, améliorer leurs locomotives et effectuer les livraisons les plus lucratives avant leurs adversaires. Utilisez les dés à bon escient pour devenir le meilleur entrepreneur ferroviaire! 10 + 30 min 1 - 5 Joueurs
Spotissimo (ML)
Spotissimo (ML)
Spotissimo 3 niveaux de difficulté pour progresser à son rythme. Le joueur tire une carte « défi » qui lui indique les deux cases rouges à relier ainsi que la position de certaines pièces en bois (pentaminos). Il tente alors de placer tous les autres pentaminos afin de relier les deux cases rouges en respectant les contraintes : le chemin créé ...
Spicy (EN)
Spicy (EN)
Spicy Once upon a time, three big cats became exhausted fighting to be top cat. They agreed to quit the fight and spice up their nine lives with a hot spice eating contest. Alas, everyone was soon cheating, so the cats invented a very hot, often tearful, bluffing game. Spicy is a bluffing card game for 2-6 players. The cards are played face dow...
Solar Storm (EN)
Solar Storm (EN)
Solar Storm In Solar Storm, you are crew members on board a ship that has had its energy core taken out by solar flares. Even worse, the ship is caught in the sun’s gravitational pull which is causing even more damage. It is only a matter of time before you and the rest of the crew perish. You and the other crew members must repair the ship whi...
Social Network (ML)
Social Network (ML)
Social NetworkPoster des photos, participer à des concours et découvrir de nouvelles choses à propos de vos amis - cela ne vous paraît pas un peu familier? Dans le jeu Social Network, les joueurs jouent pour créer, en temps réel le meilleur profil, vous aurez donc besoin d'être créatif, rapide et efficace. 8 + 30 min 2 - 6 J...
Snip Snap (ML)
Snip Snap (ML)
Snip Snap Soyez le premier joueur à vous débarrasser de tous vos dés en faisant correspondre une image sur un de vos dés avec la même image sur un des dés de votre adversaire. 7 + 5 min 2 - 6 Joueurs
Smiles and Daggers (EN)
Smiles and Daggers (EN)
Smiles and Daggers Smiles & Daggers is based on one of the most famous dilemmas of game theory. The term counter-competition, a neologism invented by the authors, describes the main mechanism of the game. It is a competitive game in which victory is more achievable through co-operation, but there can be only one winner. In other words, keep...
Smash Up - the Obligatory Cthulhu Expansion (EN)
Smash Up - the Obligatory Cthulhu Expansion (anglais) features crazy Cthulhu cultists, fishy Innsmouth locals, horrifying Elder Things, and good old Miskatonic University members (the Fightin' Cephalopods). To be certain we got it right, this set also includes a new card type fittingly known as "Madness" that each of these groups can use to vari...
Smash Up - Pretty Pretty Expansion (EN)
Smash Up - Pretty Pretty Expansion (anglais)brings the sweetest factions ever to the vicious fight for victory! Kitty Cats use their incredible cuteness to take control of enemy minions. Princesses ply their royalty, beauty and even their love to get their way. Fairies' fickle tricks give you options like never before, while the herds of Mythic ...
Smash Up - Science Fiction Double Feature Expansion (EN)
Smash Up - Science Fiction Double Feature Expansion (EN) Smash Up is back with even more wild factions in the mix! Science Fiction Double Feature brings four new decks to the base-smashing business with abilities unlike those seen before! Time Travelers allow you to reuse your cards time and time again Cyborg Apes take actions that attach to ...
Smash Up - Munchkin (EN)
Smash Up - Munchkin (EN)
Smash Up - Munchkin The "shufflebuilding" game Smash Up starts with a simple premise: Take the twenty-card decks of two factions, shuffle them into a forty-card deck, then compete to smash more Bases than your opponents! Each faction brings a different powers and sometimes different game mechanisms into play, so every combination of factions bri...
Smash Up - Monster Smash Expansion (EN)
Smash Up - Monster Smash Expansion (EN) turns over the wheel to all of you! Through a huge nomination and run-off process, players from all over the world helped choose four of the factions that take part in Smash Up: It's Your Fault!. The winning four factions were Sharks, Superheroes, Mythic Greeks, and Dragons - with the "Shark Delivery Syst...
Smash Up - Awesome Level 9000 Expansion (EN)
Smash Up - Awesome Level 9000 Expansion (anglais)What’s the draw of Smash Up Awesome Level 9000? Well, besides the “Awesome” name, there are 4 distinct things to like about the expansion: Bear Cavalry, Steampunks, Ghosts, and Killer Plants! 14 + 45 min 2 - 4 Joueurs
Smart Cookies (ML)
Smart Cookies (ML)
Smart Cookies Pour souligner le 25e anniversaire du célèbre jeu Logix (et de son non moins célèbre successeur MetaForms), nous avons consulté notre livre de cuisine et en avons tiré une autre recette gagnante: Smart Cookies! Un régal pour votre esprit, ce jeu regroupe 64 puzzles en forme de biscuits qui nourriront aussi votre cerveau. Nous...
Smash Up - Cease and Desist Expansion (EN)
Smash Up - Cease and Desist Expansion (anglais)can be played on its own as a two-player game or combined with other Smash Up titles to allow for up to four players to compete for control of bases at the same time. Smash Up: Cease and Desist includes four factions — Astroknights, Changerbots, Star Roamers, and Ignobles — with 22 cards for each fa...
Small World of Warcraft (EN)
Small World of Warcraft (EN)
Small World of Warcraft In Small World of Warcraft, players vie for conquest and control of a world that is simply too small to accommodate everybody. Small World of Warcraft is set on the fantasy world of Azeroth, where the races of the Alliance and the Horde — including Orcs, Dwarves, Trolls, and Worgen — clash in a world-consuming conflict. ...
Siam - Gamme Sugoï
Siam - Gamme Sugoï
Siam - Gamme Sugoi La trompe de l'éléphant est-elle plus forte que la corne du rhinocéros ? La question fait toujours furieusement débat dans le royaume de SIAM, les deux espèces puissantes et orgueilleuses se défiant sans discontinuer autour de trois rochers pour prouver leur domination... Pour gagner, vous devez être le premier à sortir un roc...
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective : Baker Street Irregulars (EN)
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective : Baker Street Irregulars In 1880, Sherlock Holmes appointed a group of street children as The Baker Street Irregulars, his unofficial "police force". This is their story, and the story of a particular year that thrusts the Irregulars and the master detective into a series of challenging and dangerous events....
Sherlock Express (ML)
Sherlock Express (ML)
Sherlock Express Aidez Sherlock à démasquer les coupables, utilisez les indices à bon escient et trouvez qui parmi les suspects est le complice de Moriarty, son ennemi juré ! Si aucun n’est coupable, capturez Moriarty lui-même. Tout le monde est suspect… Jusqu’à preuve du contraire ! 7 + 10 min 2 - 6 Joueurs