Jeux de société Catégorie Territoire et Gestion
Eleven (FR)
Eleven (FR)
Eleven ELEVEN ("onze" en anglais) : C'est le nombre de joueurs dont vous disposez sur le terrain. Ce sont ces joueurs qui différencient la meilleure de la pire équipe. Mais tout le monde sait pertinemment que pour qu'un club soit le meilleur de la ligue, il ne suffit pas d'avoir de bons joueurs sur le terrain : il faut également le talent d'un i...
Agricola - Big box 15th anniversary (EN)
Agricola - Big box 15th anniversary (EN) Nearly 15 years ago, Uwe Rosenberg's famous agricultural board game Agricola wasreleased and became one of the most beloved board games of our time.In 2022, in October at Essen SPIEL'22 these 15 years will be completed and we thoughtthat this game deserves a special anniversary edition. An edition, eve...
Caverna - The cave farmers : Frantic fiends (EN)
Caverna - The cave farmers : Frantic fiends (EN) Frantic Fiends are ravaging the lands and are threatening your caves and families! Can you defeat the ravaging orcs and bring back peace and prosperity to your people? Strategy experts will try to find the dominant strategy for this threat, while beginners will struggle to survive. Do you have wha...
Almanac - Crystal Peak (EN)
Almanac - Crystal Peak (EN)
Almanac - Crystal Peak (EN) Almanac: The Crystal Peaks is a game of trade, travel, and adventure through a whimsical fantasy realm! Players will visit strange places, acquire and sell goods, and face an unpredictable set of encounters as they travel from the Trader's Village to either High Frost, the seat of power in the region, or Two Twins Cit...
Us Telegraph (EN)
Us Telegraph (EN)
Us Telegraph (EN)In 1860, the U.S. commenced construction of the Transcontinental Telegraph, which would revolutionize communication. As an investor, you know this is an opportunity to develop your hometown. In this ingenious tile placement game, use the landscape to conserve resources, and chain your buildings just right to build for free! To w...
Time of Empires (FR)
Time of Empires (FR)
Time of Empires (FR) Dans Time of Empires, prenez en charge une civilisation et menez-la à travers les âges, de l'Antiquité au Moyen-Âge et de la Révolution industrielle aux temps modernes. Développez votre empire à travers les siècles dans le premier jeu de civilisation en temps réel ! Vos deux sabliers de 30 secondes déclencheront vos actions ...
Song of Ice and Fire Expansion - Starfall Outriders (EN)
Song of Ice and Fire Expansion - Starfall Outriders (EN) A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a competitive miniatures game for two or more players. Each player controls one of the Great Houses of Westeros, commanding battlefield units, recruiting legendary Heroes, and manipulating the political stage, in the attempt to claim th...
Song of Ice and Fire Expansion - Starfall Knights (EN)
Song of Ice and Fire Expansion - Starfall Knights (EN) A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a competitive miniatures game for two or more players. Each player controls one of the Great Houses of Westeros, commanding battlefield units, recruiting legendary Heroes, and manipulating the political stage, in the attempt to claim the ...
Song of Ice and Fire Expansion - Dune Vipers (EN)
Song of Ice and Fire Expansion - Dune Vipers (EN) A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a competitive miniatures game for two or more players. Each player controls one of the Great Houses of Westeros, commanding battlefield units, recruiting legendary Heroes, and manipulating the political stage, in the attempt to claim the great...
Catan Scenario- The Helpers (EN)
Catan Scenario- The Helpers (EN)In CATAN: Helpers of CATAN, you can meet some of the most influential and helpful people on Catan. They are offering their skills and experience to help you with your building plans. Inlcludes various "Helpers" with different abilities Helpers are available for all players, so choose the right moment to utilize th...
Ankh - Extension Les Dieux D'Égypte- Coffret Gardiens (FR)
Ankh - Extension Les Dieux D'Égypte- Coffret Gardiens (FR) La plupart des Gardiens contenus dans ce set sont de terribles démons dotés de capacités vicieuses que les dieux préféreraient avoir à leurs côtés plutôt que de les utiliser contre eux. L'introduction de nouveaux Gardiens dans le jeu offre de nouvelles options parmi lesquelles choisir, a...
A Song of Ice and Fire - Baratheon Heroes Box #4 (EN)
A Song of Ice and Fire - Baratheon Heroes Box #4 (EN) Whether commanding units of their own or standing united around King Renly Baratheon in support of his claim, the heroes of the Rainbow Guard comprise some of the most skilled warriors to take the field in the War of the Five Kings. They count among their number Ser Loras Tyrell, Ser Robar Ro...
A Song of Ice and Fire - Baratheon Heroes Box #3 (EN)
A Song of Ice and Fire - Baratheon Heroes Box #3 (EN) House Baratheon’s claim to the Iron Throne is made all the stronger by King Stannis Baratheon being the only king to face the growing threat beyond the Wall. In the field, King Stannis is a juggernaut, rallying his forces to tand against ever-growing odds. Of his loyal retainers Justin Massey...
Oak (ML)
Oak (ML)
Oak In the center of a vast, but secret forest stands the Arch-Oak — a majestic tree that was already a sapling when the world was still young. It is even said that from its wood, the Gods crafted the first humans and animals.Druidic orders from far and wide flock together around its roots to bathe in its glory. Arch-druids sanctify sacred pla...
Wayfarers of the South Tigris (EN)
Wayfarers of the South Tigris Wayfarers of the South Tigris is set during the height of the Abbasid Caliphate, circa 820 AD. As brave explorers, cartographers and astronomers, players set off from Baghdad to map the surrounding land, waterways, and heavens above. Players must carefully manage their caravan of workers and equipment, while reporti...
DEI : Divide et Impera (FR)
DEI : Divide et Impera (FR)
DEI : Divide et Impera Une nouvelle ère glaciaire s'est abattue sur la Terre. Dirigez votre groupe de survivants pour explorer, piller et faire du commerce.Dans D.E.I. chaque joueur contrôlera l'une des quatre bandes de survivants et se disputera le butin le plus riche à échanger avec la pure caste. Ils devront explorer Londres sur deux niveaux,...
First Empires (FR)
First Empires (FR)
First Empires First Empires est un jeu de conquêtes uchronique, dans lequel vous dirigez une nation antique. A vous de développer votre civilisation et de changer le cours de l'Histoire. Dans First Empires, chaque joueur prend en main le destin d'une nation antique. Après avoir lancé les dés de civilisation, des explorateurs partent à la conquêt...
First Empires (EN)
First Empires (EN)
First Empires What if the entire history of the world had unfolded differently? What if the great empires of our history had never come into being? What if other early civilizations had risen to greatness instead? What if those civilizations never collapsed, but continued to grow throughout the centuries? The vanquished could have been the victo...
Village - Big Box (ML)
Village - Big Box (ML)
Village - Big Box Vous êtes le fondateur d'un nouveau village au Moyen Âge, dans les années qui ont suivi une grande peste. La perte de tant de personnes a créé de gros problèmes pour les survivants. De nombreuses personnes dont les villageois dépendaient pour des choses essentielles comme la nourriture, le logement et les vêtements ont disparu....
Last Aurora (FR)
Last Aurora (FR)
Last Aurora Course contre la montre pour survivre dans un désert de glace radioactif! Chaque joueur devient le chef d'un équipage de survivants qui tente d'atteindre le dernier brise-glace Aurora, en relevant plusieurs défis au cours de leur voyage. Chaque joueur doit gérer son équipage pour rassembler des ressources, recruter des survivants, am...
A Song of Fire and Ice - Golden Company Swordsmen (EN)
A Song of Fire and Ice - Golden Company Swordsmen Hiring a sellsword to join one’s army can be tricky. Nobody wants to empty their coffers and get nothing but hollow promises to fight. When it comes to The Golden Company, however, their motto of “Our word is good as gold” holds true. The Golden Company’s Swordsmen are true professionals, willing...
A Song of Ice and Fire - Casterly Rock Honor Guards (EN)
A Song of Ice and Fire - Casterly Rock Honor Guards The vast castle at Casterly Rock serves as both a symbol of Lannister supremacy and an unbreakable fortress, dominating the western lands in the Seven Kingdoms. As such, the renowned Sentinels of Casterly Rock are charged with defending the castle and rapidly responding to threats in the surrou...
A Song of Ice and Fire - Varamyr Sixskins (EN)
A Song of Ice and Fire - Varamyr Sixskins Among the most powerful Skinchangers beyond the Wall, Varamyr Sixskins commands a huge snow bear, three wolves, a shadowcat, and an eagle simultaneously. In battle he rides astride his great snowbear, commanding his various beasts in coordinated attacks. Nothing escapes his eagle’s gaze, nor his shadowca...
A Song of Ice and Fire - Sunspear Dervishes (EN)
A Song of Ice and Fire - Sunspear Dervishes House Martell’s deadly Sunspear Dervishes are the type of rapid response unit that enemy archers and artillery rightly fear. Their light armor allows for fast reactions against emerging threats and once engaged, their unique spear-and-net fighting style hampers enemies in melee, and allows them to enga...