Jeux de société Catégorie Territoire et Gestion
Last Aurora (FR)
Last Aurora (FR)
Last Aurora Course contre la montre pour survivre dans un désert de glace radioactif! Chaque joueur devient le chef d'un équipage de survivants qui tente d'atteindre le dernier brise-glace Aurora, en relevant plusieurs défis au cours de leur voyage. Chaque joueur doit gérer son équipage pour rassembler des ressources, recruter des survivants, am...
A Song of Fire and Ice - Golden Company Swordsmen (EN)
A Song of Fire and Ice - Golden Company Swordsmen Hiring a sellsword to join one’s army can be tricky. Nobody wants to empty their coffers and get nothing but hollow promises to fight. When it comes to The Golden Company, however, their motto of “Our word is good as gold” holds true. The Golden Company’s Swordsmen are true professionals, willing...
A Song of Ice and Fire - Casterly Rock Honor Guards (EN)
A Song of Ice and Fire - Casterly Rock Honor Guards The vast castle at Casterly Rock serves as both a symbol of Lannister supremacy and an unbreakable fortress, dominating the western lands in the Seven Kingdoms. As such, the renowned Sentinels of Casterly Rock are charged with defending the castle and rapidly responding to threats in the surrou...
A Song of Ice and Fire - Varamyr Sixskins (EN)
A Song of Ice and Fire - Varamyr Sixskins Among the most powerful Skinchangers beyond the Wall, Varamyr Sixskins commands a huge snow bear, three wolves, a shadowcat, and an eagle simultaneously. In battle he rides astride his great snowbear, commanding his various beasts in coordinated attacks. Nothing escapes his eagle’s gaze, nor his shadowca...
A Song of Ice and Fire - Sunspear Dervishes (EN)
A Song of Ice and Fire - Sunspear Dervishes House Martell’s deadly Sunspear Dervishes are the type of rapid response unit that enemy archers and artillery rightly fear. Their light armor allows for fast reactions against emerging threats and once engaged, their unique spear-and-net fighting style hampers enemies in melee, and allows them to enga...
A Song of Ice and Fire - Sand Skirmishers (EN)
A Song of Ice and Fire - Sand Skirmishers House Martel’s Sand Skirmishers turn their doctrine of high mobility into a deadly dance of blade and bow. Their light armor allows them superior speed, rivaling that of the fastest enemy units, and their training allows for deadly hit-and-fade attacks, all under a rain of incoming arrows. If locked down...
A Song of Ice and Fire - Martell Starter Set (EN) PREORDER
A Song of Ice and Fire - Martell Starter Set House Martell rules the desert, plains, and badlands of southern Westeros under the Sunspear banner. Their troop are garbed in desert robes under light armor, and rank among the fastest forces in the War of the Five Kings. House Martell’s doctrine of battle is to strike fast, strike hard, and evade co...
A Song of Fire and Ice - Martell Heroes Box #1 (EN)
A Song of Fire and Ice - Martell Heroes Box #1 Although somewhat removed from the court at King’s Landing, the Sunspear of House Martell wields its influence like a patiently coiled viper. It waits, watches, chooses its moment, then strikes with sudden, shocking speed. Although one of the deadliest warriors afoot, Prince Oberyn Martell’s politic...
Tawantinsuyu (FR)
Tawantinsuyu (FR)
Tawantinsuyu Rassemblez les habitants des villages environnants et utilisez leurs capacités uniques pour les placer stratégiquement là où ils pourront accomplir les plus grandes tâches pour vous. Gravissez les marches du Temple du Soleil, récoltant les fruits de votre piété. Construisez des structures qui à la fois nourrissent votre peuple et vo...
A Song of Fire and Ice - Riders of Highgarden (EN)
A Song of Fire and Ice - Riders of Highgarden King Renly's alliance with House Tyrell through his marriage to Lady Margaery has made the famed riders of Highgarden available to Renly. Although his armor is not as thick as that of most heavy cavalry, that does not stop Highgarden's celebrated riders from unleashing the devastating charges that ch...
A Song of Fire and Ice - Highgarden Pikemen (EN)
A Song of Fire and Ice - Highgarden Pikemen Highgarden, the center of power for House Tyrell, is known as a place of chivalric values. In the conflict to secure the Iron Throne following Robert Baratheon’s death, House Baratheon has called for aid and House Tyrell has answered by sending their Highgarden Pikemen. These highly trained fighters cr...
A Song of Fire and Ice - Free Folk Heroes Box #3 (EN)
A Song of Fire and Ice - Free Folk Heroes Box # 3 The Free Folk are a conglomerate group, consisting of many different northern tribes. Though they don’t all share the same ideologies or faiths, they do all have a shared goal: making a name and home for themselves in the southern parts of Westeros. 14 + 45 - 60 ...
A Song of Fire and Ice - Golden Company Crossbowmen (EN)
A Song of Fire and Ice - Golden Company Crossbowmen The Golden Company, Westeros’ most reliable mercenary company, offers several types of troops for hire, depending on the needs of the force they’re being procured for. One of the most popular choices is their Crossbowmen. These sharp-eyed fighters never waste a shot, resolutely waiting until en...
A Song of Fire and Ice - Night's Watch Heroes Box # 3 (EN)
A Song of Fire and Ice - Night 's Watch Heroes Box # 3 The Brotherhood of the Night’s Watch defends Westeros from the horrors that lay beyond The Wall. Despite being made up of criminals, runaways, lesser sons of nobles, and anyone that Yoren, the Wandering Crow, can recruit, they are no rag-tag group. Commanders like Cotter Pyke and Ser Denys M...
A Song of Fire and Ice - Lannister Heroes Box # 3 (EN)
A Song of Fire and Ice - Lannister Heroes Box # 3 With Joffrey Baratheon’s ascension to the Iron Throne, House Lannister controls King’s Landing from behind the throne. With ambition as deep as their coffers, House Lannister seeks to legitimize their claim on the throne. Queen Cersei & Tommen exert their influence in the halls of power while...
A Song of Fire and Ice - Stark Heroes Box # 3 (EN)
A Song of Fire and Ice - Stark Heroes Box # 3 House Stark is the last major House in Westeros’ northern reaches. The strong people of Winterfell are always prepared, the core of which is a tight-knit family, surrounded by many faithful bannermen. The House has marched to war, led by Robb, the King in the North, as he seeks revenge on those for w...
A Song of Fire and Ice - Karstark Loyalist (EN)
A Song of Fire and Ice - Karstark Loyalist House Stark has many loyal bannerman. One of the most faithful is House Karstark of Karhold. Originally founded as a small branch of the major House, whenever House Stark calls for aid, House Karstark is among the first to send troops. The most common Loyalist troops from the House are kitted out with f...
Beyond the Sun (FR)
Beyond the Sun (FR)
Beyond the Sun Beyond the Sun est un jeu de civilisation spatiale dans lequel les joueurs décident collectivement du progrès technologique de l'humanité à l'aube de l'ère spatiale, tout en s'affrontant pour être la première faction en matière de développement économique, de science et d'influence galactique. Le jeu se déroule sur un nombre varia...
Coldwater Crown (FR)
Coldwater Crown (FR)
Coldwater Crown C’est cette “victoire” que vous goûtez dans l’air salin ? Vous avez obtenu votre place en tant que compétiteur dans le tournoi de pêche de renommée mondiale Coldwater Crown, et le concours vient de commencer ! Serez-vous capable de lancer le bon appât au bon moment pour ramener le plus gros poisson ? Serez-vous capable d’équilibr...
Galileo Project (ML)
Galileo Project (ML)
Galileo Project 30 ans après avoir envoyé les premiers navires coloniaux depuis Ganymède, l'Humanité a décidé de lancer le Projet Galileo !Son objectif : s'installer sur les quatre principaux satellites de Jupiter (Io, Europe, Ganymède et Callisto) afin d'élargir la présence humaine dans le système solaire.Ce projet porte le nom de l'in...
the Great Wall - la Grande Muraille (FR)
the Great Wall - la Grande Muraille The Great Wall - La Grande Muraille est un jeu asymétrique de placement d'ouvriers/soldats avec des thèmes de construction de moteurs et une torsion sous la forme d'une IA (Horde mongole) attaquant constamment qui oblige les joueurs à coopérer parfois pour la vaincre.Nouveau jeu de société majeur d'Awaken Real...
the Great Wall - Poudre Noire (FR)
the Great Wall - Poudre Noire Poudre Noire est une extension du jeu expert asymétrique The Great Wall. Cette extension intègre nouveaux soldats, Hordes et machines de guerre au jeu.Les combats vont faire rage dans The Great Wall - La Grande Muraille ! 14 + 120 - 180 min 1 - 4 joueur(s)
the Great Wall - Stretch Goals (FR)
the Great Wall - Stretch Goals Développez le monde de la Grande Muraille en combattant Genghis Khan ou jouez à travers des scénarios avec cette extension Stretch Goals du jeu expert asymétrique The Great Wall.Cette extension comprend tout le matériel pour permettre d'ajouter un 5ème joueur et 3 nouveaux modes de jeu : Genghis Khan, Chroniques An...
the Great Wall - Monstres Antiques (FR)
the Great Wall - Monstres Antiques Monstres Antiques est une extension du jeu expert asymétrique The Great Wall qui introduit 4 entités légendaires au jeu de base. Dans cette extension, les joueurs essaieront de gagner la faveur des monstres antiques pour recevoir leurs bénédictions. 14 + 120- 180 min 1 - 4 joueur(s)