Jeux de société Catégorie Party
Draw the Line (EN)
Draw the Line (EN)
Draw the Line Each team has a sketcher and a guesser. With a pencil, the sketcher must draw a mystery word by connecting icons on his easel. Then, by making sounds and gestures to his teammate, he must have the guesser sketch the drawing by making him connect the icons that he acts and noises. You must act quickly since the objective is to be t...
Throw Throw Avocado (EN)
Throw Throw Avocado (EN)
$29.99 $38.99
Throw Throw Avocado Throw Throw Avocado is a party game and standalone sequel to Throw Throw Burrito! It's unlike any game you’ve played before. In this dodgeball card game, go head to head with your opponents collecting cards while throwing and avoiding squishy, adorable airborne avocados. Take part in brand-new battles including the Avocado Fr...
Coyote (EN)
Coyote (EN)
Coyote Once Coyote lost all his belongings, while crossing the river with his friends. He became very sad … and also jealous. So Coyote challenged the others to win their possessions and they agreed. Being a trickster, he invented a bluffing game, in which everyone had to lie, as nobody would know the truth. Rumor has it the game was quite simil...
Joking Hazard (EN)
Joking Hazard (EN)
Joking Hazard Joking Hazard is a party game where you compete to finish awesome/terrible comic strips with friends! The rules are simple: First, everyone takes a bunch of panel cards and a judge is picked. The first panel of the comic is drawn randomly from the deck. The next panel is placed intentionally by the judge, making a set-up. Everyone...
What's That Sound (ML)
What's That Sound (ML)
What's That Sound Il est temps de faire du bruit ! Qui peut faire la meilleure imitation sonore ? Les joueurs sont à tour de rôle l'imitateur tandis que les autres écoutent attentivement et essaient de deviner l'image que l'imitateur essaie de transformer en son. Cela semble facile ? Pas tant que ça ! 280 images mettront au défi les joueurs les ...
Beer Pong Ultime (ML)
Beer Pong Ultime (ML)
Beer Pong Ultime LES RÈGLES SONT SIMPLES 1: Chaque équipe joue à tour de rôle en lançant la balle dans un des 6 verres de son ou ses adversaires. 2: Chaque fois qu’un joueur réussit à rentrer la balle dans un verre, le joueur opposé doit lire la conséquence sous le verre à voix haute. 3: Après réflexion, le joueur a le choix de faire la conséque...
Location - Dixit (ML)
Location - Dixit (ML)
Dixit CE PRIX EST POUR LA LOCATION DU JEU SEULEMENT Dépôt à la réception du jeu : 25$ Une image vaut mille mots ! Dixit un jeu magnifiquement illustré, qui fait appel à l'imagination et à l'intuition. Pour trouver l'image clé, laissez-vous porter par vos idées ! Premier jeu édité par Libellud, Dixit vous propose un matériel de grande qualité aux...
Top Gun Strategy Game (EN)
Top Gun Strategy Game (EN)
Top Gun Strategy Game (anglais) Top Gun Strategy Game puts players in the pilot seats of Team Maverick/Goose and Team Iceman/Slider. Each team takes on the other during a intense air-combat training exercise. Pilots must strategically maneuver their planes and coordinate with their Weapons System Operator. Conducting intense gravity-defying aeri...
Werewolves - New Moon / Loups-garous - Nouvelle Lune Extension (ML)
Werewolves - New Moon / Loups-garous - Nouvelle Lune Extension (ML) Le retour des loups-garous ! Prolongez le suspens avec de nouvelles variantes de jeu, de nouveaux éléments et personnages alternatifs. Cette extension introduit également les cartes évènement qui, à chaque tour de jeu, changeront le déroulement de la partie. Pour encore plus pro...
Werewolves- Characters / Loups-garous Personnages Extension (ML)
Werewolves- Characters / Loups-garous Personnages Extension (ML) Tout le monde connaît le principe de Loups-Garous de Thiercelieux. Chaque nuit, de cruels loups-garous éliminent un villageois. Avec l’extension Personnages, même les joueurs les plus chevronnés ne sauront plus où mettre la tête. - Du « Grand Méchant Loup » qui mange deux fois par ...
Poisons (EN)
Poisons (EN)
Poisons You play characters with a Burtonesque flair who brighten and frighten a gala where every guest has a reason to poison the others – to prove THEIR poison is the most insidious! That's right: Everyone here has an ulterior motive! So, when it comes time to drink a toast, think carefully – has someone tried to poison you or not? Poisons i...
Spotissimo (ML)
Spotissimo (ML)
Spotissimo 3 niveaux de difficulté pour progresser à son rythme. Le joueur tire une carte « défi » qui lui indique les deux cases rouges à relier ainsi que la position de certaines pièces en bois (pentaminos). Il tente alors de placer tous les autres pentaminos afin de relier les deux cases rouges en respectant les contraintes : le chemin créé ...
Get a Hint (EN)
Get a Hint (EN)
Get a Hint In HINT, your teammates have to guess what you are trying to tell them. Along the way you both mime, draw, hum and talk about everything from 'European Capitals' and 'Movie Villains' to 'Songs about wink' and 'Pizza Fill'. You must be both quick and creative, but beware! There is always one forbidden word that you may not use. An ent...
Royal Wedding (EN)
Royal Wedding (EN)
Royal Wedding In the almost resplendent kingdom of the goblins, everything is ready for the nuptials of Princess Koncita. Well, almost ready... The preparations enrage the princess as everything seems to be going wrong for her. Koncita has a difficult character, and all around her hordes of terrified servants bustle about, attempting to satisfy...
the Sweet and Spicy Truth (EN)
the Sweet and Spicy Truth In the adult party game, The Sweet and Spicy Truth, each player takes a turn being asked a Sweet, Medium, or Spicy question. Sweet questions are innocent, general questions such as “Would you eat your favorite meal every day for the rest of your life?” Medium questions are more deeply philosophical, such as “Are people...
Talent Show (ML)
Talent Show (ML)
Talent Show Le Talent Show est un jeu de party avec une variété de défis à relever. Jouez contre le jeu... ou les uns contre les autres! Avez-vous ce qu'il faut pour gagner le concours de talents? Lancez les dés pour compléter le défi. Les défis comprennent: dessiner, chanter, mimer et combiner des mots ensemble. Vous marquerez des points si les...
Social Network (ML)
Social Network (ML)
Social NetworkPoster des photos, participer à des concours et découvrir de nouvelles choses à propos de vos amis - cela ne vous paraît pas un peu familier? Dans le jeu Social Network, les joueurs jouent pour créer, en temps réel le meilleur profil, vous aurez donc besoin d'être créatif, rapide et efficace. 8 + 30 min 2 - 6 J...
Rick & Morty: Mr Meeseeks Box O` Fun Dice and Dares (EN)
Rick & Morty: Mr Meeseeks Box O` Fun Dice and Dares (anglais) Do you have a problem that needs fixing and you just don't know where to start? Perhaps there's some task that's beneath you? Then why not hit the button on your Meeseeks Box, summon up a Meeseeks (or three or eight), and let them help you out? That's their purpose! They want you ...
Pictomania (EN)
Pictomania (EN)
$9.99 $22.49
Pictomania In Pictomania, each player is assigned a different word to draw. The goal of the game is to guess the other players’ words while still successfully drawing your own. Everyone is drawing and guessing simultaneously! No one has time to draw an intricate masterpiece. The player who can sketch the word quickly will have more time to figur...
Doodle Rush (EN)
Doodle Rush (EN)
Doodle Rush (anglais) is a fast-paced party game that will keep you on your toes for the whole time. In each game, each player receives two cards with total of six words that the player has to draw. The game consists of six 1-minute rounds: three drawing rounds and three guessing rounds, which are interchanged. In the drawing rounds, the players...
Concept (EN)
Concept (EN)
Concept In Concept, your goal is to guess words through the association of icons. To get others to guess "milk", the team might place the question mark icon (it signifies the main concept) on the liquid icon, then cubes of this color on "food/drink" and "white". The first player to discover the word or phrase receives 2 victory points, the team ...