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- Jeux de société Catégorie Party
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Jeux de société Catégorie Party
What's Yours Like (EN) jeu usagé
What's Yours Like ? CE PRIX EST POUR LA VERSION USAGÉE DU JEU SEULEMENT À noter que la plupart de nos jeux usagés ont un autocollant d'Infini-Jeux sur la boîte Just like the extremely popular Orchard Game, but much smaller. This sweet version is small enough to fit in a purse or small backpack. Perfect game for the whole family while you wait at...
Mimes Intenses et Tordus (FR) jeu usagé
Mimes Intenses et Tordus CE PRIX EST POUR LA VERSION USAGÉE DU JEU SEULEMENT À noter que la plupart de nos jeux usagés ont un autocollant d'Infini-Jeux sur la boîte « Mimes intenses et tordus » est un jeu de party qui sort de l'ordinaire. Dans ce jeu pour adultes, deux équipes s’affrontent dans un combat sans merci de mimes déjantés. Un joueur d...
Caricatoon (FR) jeu usagé
Caricatoon (FR) jeu usagé
Caricatoon CE PRIX EST POUR LA VERSION USAGÉE DU JEU SEULEMENT À noter que la plupart de nos jeux usagés ont un autocollant d'Infini-Jeux sur la boîte FAITES DEVINER LES NOMS DE VOS VEDETTES PRÉFÉRÉES À L’AIDE DES 4 DÉFIS PROPOSÉS. Choisissez judicieusement la personnalité dont vous ferez deviner le nom parmi vos cartes en fonction du défi impos...
The Voting Game - After Dark (EN)
The Voting Game - After Dark (EN)Who will you vote for? The Voting Game After Dark Edition is the noholds-barred, make-you-squirm version of the original game. Each round, vote anonymously for the player that is described by the question card. Tally the votes and find out how the group really feels! 17 + 30 - 45 min 4 - 10 jo...
The Voting Game (EN)
The Voting Game (EN)
The Voting Game (EN)The Voting Game is a party game that uncovers the hilarious truth behind your friendships. Play again and again - Gameplay varies dramatically based on who you’re playing with Get to know each other - Personal stories are often shared after a revealing vote. 17 + 30 - 45 min 4 - 10 joueur(s)
Liar Liar (EN)
Liar Liar (EN)
Liar Liar (EN)Can you guess which one of your friends is lying? Each round players tell a truth or a lie depending on their assigned role. Players score points when other players incorrectly identify their truth as a lie - or their lie as a truth. There’s always a liar! 10 + 30 - 45 min 3 - 9 joueur(s)
Rabbit Hole (EN)
Rabbit Hole (EN)
Rabbit Hole (EN)What will your friends fall for? Players take turns reading hilarious prompts to the group. Players submit their responses and try to fool their friends into thinking their answer is correct! But what is the real answer? You’ll have to play to find out! 10 + 30 - 45 min 3 - 9 joueur(s)
Hot Seat (EN)
Hot Seat (EN)
Hot Seat (EN)Find out who knows you best! All players answer pretending to be you when you’re in the Hot Seat. What will you say when it’s your turn? Each round players write an answer to the question pretending to be the player in the Hot Seat. Points are awarded to the players who guess the Hot Seat player’s response correctly, and also for th...
Pick Your Poison - After Dark (EN)
Pick Your Poison - After Dark (EN)Pick Your Poison After Dark is an adult party game where you anonymously answer “would you rather…” questions that are set up by your friends. When everyone reveals which scenario they would rather do, you’ll find out who agrees with you and who would choose a different Poison. 17 + 30 - 45 min ...
Brain Freeze - After Dark (EN)
Brain Freeze - After Dark (EN)When the fastest answer wins, what will your friends and family let slip? Brain Freeze is the hilarious speak-before-you-think fast action party game in which friends and family race to answer a variety of personal prompts. Be warned, answers can be revealing. 17 + 15 - 30 min 3 - 10 joueur(s)
Brain Freeze - Family Friendly (EN)
Brain Freeze - Family Friendly (EN)When the fastest answer wins, what will your friends and family let slip. Brain Freeze is the hilarious speak-before-you-think fast action party game in which family and friends race to answer a variety of personal prompts. Interesting answers have been known to spark fun discussions. 10 + 15 - 30 min...
Two Rooms and a Boom - Mini Games (FR)
Two Rooms and a Boom - Mini Games (FR) Le Président est la cible d'une attaque! Mais qui est le Président? Et plus important encore... Qui est le poseur de bombe? Dans ce jeu explosif, vous êtes répartis dans deux pièces séparées. Retrouvez vos coéquipiers, bluffez, négociez, et désignez les otages qui changeront de pièce. Lors du décompte final...
Tortuga 1667 (FR)
Tortuga 1667 (FR)
Tortuga 2199 1667. Vous voguez sur les eaux des Caraïbes. Un galion espagnol est en approche. Vous convoitez son trésor. En bon pirate, vous avez convaincu les autres membres de l’équipage de vous aider à en dérober la totalité sans pour autant leur dire que vous n’aviez pas l’intention de le partager après avoir mis la main dessus. Fidèle à vot...
Grouille ! Mini (FR)
Grouille ! Mini (FR)
Grouille ! Mini GROUILLE! mini est un jeu-questionnaire de connaissances générales pour les jeunes de 8 à 12 ans, dont les règles ultra simples s’apprennent en une minute. Le but : crier la bonne réponse avant ses adversaires! Chacun des joueurs prend une pile de 7 questions. Un joueur désigné pose une première question et celui qui répond cor...
L'Osti d'jeu - Sexe et Bouffe - Extension (FR)
L' Osti d'jeu - Sexe et Bouffe - Extension AMUSEZ-VOUS AVEC DES NIAISERIES BIEN DE CHEZ NOUS. 18 + 30 min 3 + Joueurs
Really Loud Librarians (EN)
Really Loud Librarians (EN)
Really Loud Librarians IN THIS GAME, YOUR USELESS KNOWLEDGE WILL WIN YOU USEFUL POINTS! Think fast, not hard in this merciless word-shouting board game. Start by drawing a category card. Your team will then shout words from that category that begin with the letter on the race track. Move along the track every time you get a word right and race a...
Cards Against Humanity (EN)
Cards Against Humanity (EN)
Cards Against Humanity Cards Against Humanity is a party game for horrible people. Each round, one player asks a question from a black card, and everyone else answers with their funniest white card.Now version 2.0 with over 150 new cards.Expanded to 600 cards (50 more than before).This is the main game. Buy this first.America’s #1 gerbil coffin....
Little Secret (FR)
Little Secret (FR)
Little Secret Les membres d’une société secrète organisent des réunions. Dans Little Secret chaque joueur incarne un Disciple, un Infiltré ou bien un Journaliste. Tentez de démasquer les intrus n’ayant pas le même mot de passe que vous. Un jeu intuitif de bluff, d’imagination et d’association de mots idéal pour des soirées entre amis ou en famil...
Location - Werewolves / Loups-Garous (ML)
Les Loups-Garous de Thiercelieux CE PRIX EST POUR LA LOCATION DU JEU SEULEMENT Dépôt à la réception du jeu : 10$ Thiercelieux est un joli petit village de l'Est, bien à l'abri des vents et du froid, niché entre de charmantes forêts et de bons pâturages. Les habitants de Thiercelieux sont d'affables paysans, heureux de leur tranquillité et fiers ...
Wheels vs Doors (EN)
Wheels vs Doors (EN)
Wheels vs Doors (EN) What are there more of in the world, Wheels or Doors? In March ‘22, this unanswerable question was thrown out on Twitter by a man from New Zealand, and it sparked a global debate that still rages on today. Frankly, we will never know, though Matt and Laurence sit firmly on Team Wheels.The hilarious arguments that transpired ...
So wrong it's right (EN)
So wrong it's right (EN)
So wrong it's right (EN) So Wrong It’s Right is the trivia game with a difference. Each question has five possible answers, so you’ll never play the same game twice! The trivia questions are simple, but answering the right way, or in most cases, the wrong way is a little tricker. From shouting out answers backwards, to swapping the letters aroun...
Karen (EN)
Karen (EN)
Karen (EN) In Karen, each player is going to sneak their own fake complaints in amongst hilarious REAL one star reviews found online, to try and convince their opponents that THEY are the real Karen…Players start with five stars on their scoring star boards. The aim of the game is to lose four of your stars and be the first player with only one ...
Backwards Game (EN)
Backwards Game (EN)
Backwards Game (EN) The Backwards Game is a super silly party game played in teams. All of the questions and challenges are incredibly easy... if you do them forwards. However, in this game, EVERYTHING reverse in happens!…At the start of a game, each team decides on a secret five letter word, for example B R E A D which they write BACKWARDS on t...
Ansagrams (EN)
Ansagrams (EN)
Ansagrams (EN) 5 simple questions stand between you and victory, but it’s only the first letter of each of your answers that really matter.Because, when all five of those letters are unscrambled, they spell out a five letter word. Will you be the first player to work it out within the 30 second time limit? All you’ll need is the cards, the stop...