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Jeux de société Catégorie Cartes
Andromeda's Edge: Escalation (EN) November
Andromeda's Edge: Escalation Behold, Andromeda’s Edge: A dazzling, uncharted region of space on the edge of the Andromeda Galaxy. Littered with the modular debris of the precursor civilization, patrolled by malicious extragalactic raiders, and bordered by dense nebulae, The Edge is a last resort for the brave and foolhardy who seek a new life be...
Andromeda's Edge (EN)
Andromeda's Edge (EN)
Andromeda's Edge Behold, Andromeda’s Edge: A dazzling, uncharted region of space on the edge of the Andromeda Galaxy. Littered with the modular debris of the precursor civilization, patrolled by malicious extragalactic raiders, and bordered by dense nebulae, The Edge is a last resort for the brave and foolhardy who seek a new life beyond the opp...
L'anneau unique JDR - Boite D'initiation (FR)
L'anneau unique JDR - Boite D'initiation L’Anneau Unique : La Boîte d’Initiation, contient tout le nécessaire pour découvrir ce jeu de rôles, faire vos premiers pas en Terre du Milieu et participer aux aventures des Hobbits.C’est une curieuse invitation de la part du cousin Bilbo. Comme c’est étrange?! Mais cela dit, bien des choses étranges s...
Sleeping Gods: Primeval Peril (EN)
Sleeping Gods : Primeval Peril Sleeping Gods: Primeval Peril is a short standalone campaign for one or two players, but will include a variant for playing with 3-4, set in the world of Sleeping Gods and using the same rules. Primeval Peril is set on a dangerous river that winds through lush jungle. It includes new characters and stories so that ...
Path of Civilization (FR)
Path of Civilization (FR)
Path of Civilization Take the reins of your Civilization and make the choices that will make it the most prosperous. It doesn't matter which path you take, as long as it leads your people to glory. Research new technologies to improve your nation's Science, Military strength, Spirituality, Culture and Industrialization. Grow the greatest Philoso...
Path of Civilization (EN)
Path of Civilization (EN)
Path of Civilization Take the reins of your Civilization and make the choices that will make it the most prosperous. It doesn't matter which path you take, as long as it leads your people to glory. Research new technologies to improve your nation's Science, Military strength, Spirituality, Culture and Industrialization. Grow the greatest Philoso...
Nucleum Australia (EN)
Nucleum Australia (EN)
Nucleum Australia Saxony's energy revolution was so impactful that everyone wanted to start using Nucleums in their regions. Australia's huge deposits of uranium were ripe for the taking, leading to visionaries — lured by the vast number of possibilities — visiting the continent and changing it into a new global power. Here, these entrepreneurs ...
Earthborne Rangers - 2e Set De Cartes Ranger - Extension (FR)
Earthborne Rangers - 2e Set De Cartes Ranger - Extension Earthborne Rangers - Deuxième Set de Cartes Ranger est un paquet réutilisable qui contient un set supplémentaire des 282 Ranger du jeu de base Earthborne Rangers. Les joueurs en quête de liberté jouiront ainsi de plus d'options de construction et d'optimisation de leurs decks Ranger. Néces...
Hybris - Apollon Extension (FR)
Hybris - Apollon Extension (FR) Hybris : Disordered Cosmos - Apollon est une extension pour Hybrid pour encore plus de variété. Apollon est parti à la recherche de Nyx dans les Alentours, sa Némésis. Et lors de cette course poursuite, il a découvert un autre monde qui l'a intrigué, fasciné. En quête de réponses, il a réussi à survivre avec le pe...
Hybris - Cataclysme Extension (FR)
Hybris - Cataclysme Extension (FR) LUTTEZ POUR ARRÊTER LA FIN DU MONDE! Chaos, la plus grande menace jamais connue, s’est réveillé et avance inexorablement vers le Monde Mortel, détruisant tout sur son passage. Pour défendre leur royaume, les Olympiens n’ont d’autre choix que de s’aventurer dans les Alentours. Grâce à des armures capables de rep...
Hybris - Trahison Divine Extension (FR)
Hybris - Trahison Divine Extension (FR) DÉJOUEZ UN TERRIBLE COMPLOT! Depuis sa prison, Chronos, Dieu Primordial et Père de toutes choses, fomente sa vengeance. Remontant à travers le flux du temps, il cherche à empêcher les Olympiens de prendre le contrôle du Monde Mortel, aidé par trois Avatars de sa création. En parallèle, cinq dangereux Priso...
Arkham Horror LCG - the Circle Undone Investigator Expansion (EN)
Arkham Horror LCG - the Circle Undone Investigator Expansion In the grim and brooding town of Arkham, arcane secrets lie buried with the dead. When sinister forces threaten to unveil these truths, it is up to a brave, foolish few to put a stop to it. The Circle Undone Investigator Expansion for Arkham Horror: The Card Game features six investiga...
1880 - China (EN)
1880 - China (EN)
1880 - China In 1880 China, the players become railway barons in the far east, as they experience China's railway history. In order to gain money, they buy and sell shares of China's historical railway companies, build and expand their railway network and let trains travel on the networks. In the end, the player with the highest wealth combined ...
Star Wars Outer Rim (EN)
Star Wars Outer Rim (EN)
Star Wars Outer Rim Take to the stars and become a living legend in Star Wars: Outer Rim, a game of bounty hunters, mercenaries, and smugglers for 1-4 players! In Outer Rim, you take on the role of an underworld denizen, setting out to make your mark on the galaxy. You'll travel the outer rim in your personal ship, hire legendary Star Wars chara...