Cardline - Animaux (FR)
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Cardline - Dinosaures (FR)

Cardline - Dinosaures (FR)
$23.99 CAD
Cardline - Dinosaures Le diplodocus est clairement plus lourd que le tyrannosaure, mais qu’en est-il du brachiosaure ? J’imagine que le stégosaure est plus léger que ces trois-là, mais est-il moins lourd qu’un mammouth laineux ? Pas facile, je crois que je vais me contenter de placer le tigre à dents de sabre, au moins je sais où le poser… Enfin...
Cardline - Dinosaurs (EN)

Cardline - Dinosaurs (EN)
$23.99 CAD
Cardline - Dinosaurs Diplodocus is clearly heavier than Tyrannosaurus, but what about Brachiosaurus? I imagine the Stegosaurus is lighter than those three, but is it lighter than a woolly mammoth? Not easy, I think I'll just place the saber-toothed tiger, at least I know where to put it… Well, I think? This box contains 110 cards on the theme of...
Cardline Animals (EN)

Cardline Animals (EN)
$23.99 CAD
Cardline Animals Cardline: Animals is a card game played with approximately 100 cards. Both sides of each card depict an animal, its name, and its class (amphibian, mammal, etc.), while its average length, weight, and lifespan are printed on only one side of the card. For each game, players decide before playing whether they're comparing animal ...