Mysterium (ML)

Mysterium (ML)
Mysterium Percez le secret du Manoir Warwick... Dans les années 20, M. MacDowell, brillant astrologue clairvoyant pénètre dans sa nouvelle demeure lorsqu’il ressent immédiatement une présence surnaturelle. Il décide alors de rassembler les plus éminents médiums de son temps pour une séance de spiritisme exceptionnelle. Ils auront 7 heures pour e...
Lost Ruins of Arnak (EN)

Lost Ruins of Arnak (EN)
Lost Ruins of Arnak On an uninhabited island in uncharted seas, explorers have found traces of a great civilization. Now you will lead an expedition to explore the island, find lost artifacts, and face fearsome guardians, all in a quest to learn the island's secrets. Lost Ruins of Arnak combines deck-building and worker placement in a game of e...

Mölkky (quilles finlandaises)
Molkky (quilles finlandaises) Devenez adepte du Mölkky ce jeu de plein air, jeu de lancer très populaire en Scandinavie qui combine adresse, tactique et chance et s’apparente à la fois au jeu de pétanque, de billard et de bowling.C’est très simple, et très convivial, il s’agit d’être le premier à atteindre 50 points très exactement en renversant...
Thunder Road Vendetta (EN)

Thunder Road Vendetta (EN)
Thunder Road Vendetta Thunder Road: Vendetta is a revved-up restoration of the classic 1986 game of mayhem on the asphalt. Grab your crew, roll your dice, race your cars, shoot your guns, and try not to get wrecked. This new version features exciting new additions, including random hazard tokens, such as wrecks, oil slicks, and more. Damage isn'...
Hacktivity (ML)

Hacktivity (ML)
Hacktivity Plongez dans un monde futuriste et, en équipe, tentez de désactiver les virus qui infectent le cyberespace Hacktivity est un jeu coopératif construit en mode campagne incluant 6 scénarios. Le jeu se distingue par: - une mécanique qui élimine l'apparition d'un joueur Alpha - une gestion de paquet de cartes flexible et originale - un ca...
Endeavor : Deep Sea (EN)

Endeavor : Deep Sea (EN)
Endeavor : Deep Sea Plunge into the modern era, where our planet's vast interconnected ocean scape is one of the last frontiers to discover and explore. Experience a deep new ever-changing adventure in this followup to the smash hit Endeavor: Age of Sail!In Endeavor: Deep Sea, you head an independent research institute with the goal of developin...
Dune Imperium Uprising (EN)

Dune Imperium Uprising (EN)
Dune Imperium Uprising In Dune: Imperium Uprising, you want to continue to balance military might with political intrigue, wielding new tools in pursuit of victory. Spies will shore up your plans, vital contracts will expand your resources, or you can learn the ways of the Fremen and ride mighty sandworms into battle!Dune: Imperium Uprising is...
Dune Imperium (EN)

Dune Imperium (EN)
Dune Imperium Dune: Imperium is a game that finds inspiration in elements and characters from the Dune legacy, both the new film from Legendary Pictures and the seminal literary series from Frank Herbert, Brian Herbert, and Kevin J. Anderson. As a leader of one of the Great Houses of the Landsraad, raise your banner and marshal your forces and...
Wingspan (EN)

Wingspan (EN)
Wingspan Wingspan is a competitive, medium-weight, card-driven, engine-building board game from Stonemaier Games.You play as bird enthusiasts - researchers, bird watchers, ornithologists, and collectors - seeking to discover and attract the best birds to your aviary. Each bird extends a chain of powerful combinations in one of your habitats (act...

Invincible : the Hero-Building Game (EN)
Invincible : the Hero - Building Game Are you ready to unleash your inner Superhero? Prepare to take on epic battles with, INVINCIBLE: The Hero-Building Game.Based on the acclaimed comic book series by Robert Kirkman and published by Skybound Entertainment, INVINCIBLE: The Hero-Building Game drops players into the shoes of Atom Eve, Rex Splode, ...
Quoridor Pac-Man (ML)

Quoridor Pac-Man (ML)
Quoridor Pac Man Redécouvrez Quoridor dans cette version exclusive ! Dans cette magnifique édition limitée de Quoridor, choisissez d'incarner PAC-MAN ou l'un des 4 fantômes. Deux modes de jeu sont disponibles : Choisissez de jouer à Quoridor de manière classique en relevant le défi du labyrinthe, ou essayez une variante qui vous permettra de ret...
Life of the Amazonia (EN)

Life of the Amazonia (EN)
Life of the Amazonia Build your very own thriving jungle by discovering various wild animals, insects, and plants in this beautiful board game.Life of the Amazonia is a strategic meeple placing game that combines bag building and pattern building. Players will restore land, place various animals, and plant trees and flowers to enrich their jungl...

Root - Marauder Expansion (EN)
Root - Marauder Expansion Ready yourself! New invaders enter the world of Root in the Marauder Expansion, which adds two new factions and four hirelings.Play as the:Lord of the Hundreds - Oppress the Woodland and burn it to the ground if need be. You suffer no dissent.Keepers in Iron - Lead your exiled order of devout knights into battle to reco...

Endless Winter : Paleoamericans (EN)
Endless Winter : Paleoamericans (EN) Designed by Stan Kordonskiy (Rurik, Lock Up), developed by Jonny Pac (Coloma, Sierra West), solo mode by Drake Villareal (Merchants Cove), and illustrated by The Mico (Raiders of the North Sea, Viscounts), Endless Winter: Paleoamericans takes place in North America, around 10,000 BCE. Players guide the develo...

Bex : Shuffleboard and Curling ( 6 foot )
Bex : Shuffleboard and Curling (6 pieds) Taille du terrain de jeu : 180 x 39cm Caractéristiques- Facile à assembler- Jouer sur la table de la cuisine- Glissez facilement les rondelles 6 + 30 min 2 + Joueurs
Klask (ML)

Klask (ML)
Klask Le jeu frénétique d'adresse et de rapidité où les joueurs doivent manoeuvrer leur attaquant à l'aide d'aimants puissants et tenter de diriger la balle dans le but adverse. Les joueurs devront aussi faire attention aux petits aimants blancs qui se retrouvent sur la surface du jeu. Si un aimant blanc se colle à votre attaquant, ça va. Mais s...

Everdell : Spirecrest Expansion (EN)
Everdell : Spirecrest Expansion Far beyond the comfortable borders of the Everdell Valley, deep in the mysterious and uncharted lands, adventure is waiting to be discovered. Spirecrest adds several exciting and challenging new mechanics and features to the Everdell base game.Including:Weather cards that impose challenging limitations to overcom...
Queendomino XL (ML)

Queendomino XL (ML)
Queendomino XL Développez le plus prestigieux des Royaumes, en contrôlant champs de blé, forêts, lacs, prairies, marais et montagnes. Amasser les pièces grâce à vos Chevalier. Ne négligez surtout pas les villes, dans lesquelles vous pourrez construire des bâtiments qui vous permettront d’accéder à de nouvelles stratégies. Tentez d’obtenir les fa...
Fromage (EN)

Fromage (EN)
Fromage You are a French cheesemaker in the early 20th century making, aging, and selling your artisan cheeses. Become the most prestigious cheesemaker in France by running a highly, successful creamery and crafting exceptional cheese. Fromage is a simultaneous worker-placement game where each player makes cheese and gathers resources from the ...
Windmill Valley (EN)

Windmill Valley (EN)
Windmill Valley It’s the late 19th century, and more than 9000 windmills dot the landscape of the Netherlands, some of them purpose-built to dry the lowlands, called polders. In the polders between these windmills are fields filled with colorful tulips—the flower that once was a part of the turbulent history of the first financial bubble but is ...
Reef Project (EN)

Reef Project (EN)
Reef Project Reef Project is a sandbox euro game, where you travel between the islands (point to point movement), fight for majorities in the map sectors, fulfill missions (cards) and build your special action tableau by collecting crew tiles on your player board. Instead of traveling, you may recharge - it is an active pass, when you activate ...

Stardew Valley : the Board Game (EN)
Stardew Valley : the Board Game A cooperative board game of farming and friendship based on the Stardew Valley video game by Eric Barone. Work together with your fellow farmers to save the Valley from the nefarious JojaMart Corporation! To do this, you'll need to farm, fish, friend and find all kinds of different resources to fulfill your Grandp...
Rival Restaurants (EN)

Rival Restaurants (EN)
Rival Restaurants RIVAL RESTAURANTS is a chaotic fast paced strategy and negotiating game that pits aspiring restaurant owners against one another as they race to be crowned "The Wiener!"Your goal in Rival Restaurants is to be the first restaurant to get 20 popularity points and be crowned "The Wiener!" Players earn popularity points by buying...
Bad Company (ML)

Bad Company (ML)
Bad Company Bad Company peut se jouer jusqu'à 6 joueurs. Il comprend également un mode solo où vous essayez d'échapper à la police.Chaque joueur dispose d'un plateau de jeu avec 11 membres de gang. Vous pouvez les améliorer en y plaçant des cartes qui se chevauchent. Ainsi, l'apparence visuelle des membres de votre gang change au fur et à mesure...