Wonder Woman Challenge of the Amazon (EN)
Wonder Woman Challenge of the Amzaon DC and Ravensburger Games have teamed up for Wonder Woman: Challenge of the Amazons.This fully cooperative tabletop board game will have players take the role of Amazons working together in order to defeat one of three classic Wonder Woman villains Ares, Circe and Cheetah.First, players strategize together ...
Small World of Warcraft (EN)
Small World of Warcraft (EN)
Small World of Warcraft In Small World of Warcraft, players vie for conquest and control of a world that is simply too small to accommodate everybody. Small World of Warcraft is set on the fantasy world of Azeroth, where the races of the Alliance and the Horde — including Orcs, Dwarves, Trolls, and Worgen — clash in a world-consuming conflict. ...
Aztec (EN)
Aztec (EN)
Aztec Like a modern Indiana Jones, you've managed to break into the accursed temple! But when the time comes to divvy up the treasure, everyone wants as many jewels as they can get, and there's no limit to how low they'll stoop! But don't forget: A real Aztec temple is always stocked with plenty of traps and curses…. Take the jewels in Aztec, a...
Hagakure (EN)
Hagakure (EN)
Hagakure "Hagakure", a term meaning "in the shadow of the leaves" or "hidden in the foliage", is a practical and spiritual guide for Japanese warriors that's also known as "The Book of the Samurai". The game Hagakure is a trick-taking design for 3-5 players in which you try to score more points than any other player. The deck consists of thirty ...
Disney Villainous (EN)
Disney Villainous (EN)
Disney Villainous In Villainous, each player takes control of one of six Disney characters, each one a villain in a different Disney movie. Each player has their own villain deck, fate deck, player board, and 3D character. On a turn, the active player moves their character to a different location on their player board, takes one or more of the...
Unlock ! Epic Adventures (7) (EN)
Unlock ! Epic Adventures (7) Unlock! Epic Adventures is the seventh release of the series and features three new "escape room" scenarios that you can play on your tabletop. Unlock! is a co-operative card game inspired by escape rooms that uses a simple system which allows you to search scenes, combine objects, and solve riddles. Play Unlock! to...
My Very First Games - Nibble Munch Crunch (ML)
My Very First Games - Nibble Munch Crunch Que mange le chat, la tortue ou la souris ? Quel aliment le lapin ou le chien préfèrent-ils ? Découvrez-le dans ces deux adorables jeux : un jeu de classement coopératif et un jeu de mémo où pour gagner il faut associer correctement les animaux, couleurs, formes et pièces en bois.-Les superbes illustrat...
Everdell : Bellfaire Expansion (EN)
Everdell : Bellfaire Expansion Bellfaire is a new expansion for Everdell that offers several different game play modules.Including:Components and rules for 5-6 playersPlayer powers and resource boardsA Bellfaire board with a new Market locationGarland Awards, which are shared endgame goalsNew Special Event cards 14 + 40 - 120 min ...
Rose Ceremony (ML)
Rose Ceremony (ML)
Rose Ceremony L'amour est dans l'air! Offrez une rose au joueur de votre choix. S'il la refuse, elle est à vous. Dans ce jeu de bluff, vous essayez de créer le plus beau bouquet de roses. Par contre, attention aux épines qui comptent comme des points négatifs! Essayez de marquer le plus de points en échangeant des bouquets. 8 + 15 ...
Talent Show (ML)
Talent Show (ML)
Talent Show Le Talent Show est un jeu de party avec une variété de défis à relever. Jouez contre le jeu... ou les uns contre les autres! Avez-vous ce qu'il faut pour gagner le concours de talents? Lancez les dés pour compléter le défi. Les défis comprennent: dessiner, chanter, mimer et combiner des mots ensemble. Vous marquerez des points si les...
Forgotten Waters (EN)
Forgotten Waters (EN)
Forgotten Waters Forgotten Waters is a Crossroads Game set in a world of fantastical pirate adventure. In it, players take on the role of pirates sailing together on a ship, attempting to further their own personal stories as well as a common goal. The world of Forgotten Waters is silly and magical, with stories designed to encourage players ...
Dominion - Intrigue 2nd Edition (EN)
Dominion - Intrigue 2nd Edition "Something’s afoot. The steward smiles at you like he has a secret, or like he thinks you have a secret, or like you think he thinks you have a secret. There are secret plots brewing, you’re sure of it. At the very least, there are yours. A passing servant murmurs, “The eggs are on the plate.” You frantically sear...
Mystery House (EN)
Mystery House (EN)
Mystery House This house mysteriously moves through space and time, and no one knows its destination. Will you be brave enough to enter? Experience the thrill of an escape room in Mystery House: Adventures in a Box, which features a mix of technology and tradition. You are imprisoned in this house, and the only way out is to solve all the r...
Agricola : Corbarius Deck - Expansion (EN)
Agricola : Corbarius Deck - Expansion Agricola: Corbarius Deck expands WizKids C-Deck from 60 to 168 occupation and minor improvement cards. 12 + 60 - 120 min 1 - 6 joueurs
It's a Wonderful World (EN)
It's a Wonderful World (EN)
It's a Wonderful World In It’s a Wonderful World, you are an expanding Empire and must choose your path to your future. You must develop faster and better than your competitors. You’ll carefully plan your expansion to develop your production power and rule over this new world. It’s a Wonderful World is a cards drafting and engine building gam...
Artzy Family (ML)
Artzy Family (ML)
Artzy Family Le jeu des 7 familles modernes Artzy Famly de l'entreprise québécoise Lalita's Art Shop est un jeu de société éducatif qui invite à la réflexion. Le but étant de réunir le plus de familles possible, ce jeu donnera lieu à des discussions enrichissantes sur la diversité tout en travaillant des habiletés telles que la mémoire, l'obse...
Cthulhu : Death May Die (EN)
Cthulhu : Death May Die (EN)
Cthulhu : Death May Die In Cthulhu: Death May Die, inspired by the writings of H.P. Lovecraft, you and your fellow players represent investigators in the 1920s who instead of trying to stop the coming of Elder Gods, want to summon those otherworldly beings so that you can put a stop to them permanently. You start the game insane, and while yo...
Zombicide Invader (EN)
Zombicide Invader (EN)
Zombicide Invader (anglais) Humans set off into the stars in search of high-powered fuel and found it in the remote corner of the universe on the small planet PK-L7. Their discovery of Xenium — a dark, oily compound deep below the planet's surface — was everything they hoped for. But they found something else, too. The Xenos attack was brutal an...
Sherlock Express (ML)
Sherlock Express (ML)
Sherlock Express Aidez Sherlock à démasquer les coupables, utilisez les indices à bon escient et trouvez qui parmi les suspects est le complice de Moriarty, son ennemi juré ! Si aucun n’est coupable, capturez Moriarty lui-même. Tout le monde est suspect… Jusqu’à preuve du contraire ! 7 + 10 min 2 - 6 Joueurs
Dice Academy (ML)
Dice Academy (ML)
Dice Academy Testez vos connaissances et votre vivacité d'esprit! Pour chaque thème, soyez le premier à trouver le mot commençant par l'une des lettres proposées! Les lancés de dés s'enchaînent, les esprits se déchaînent et les mots fusent! 7 + 15 min 2 - 6 Joueurs
Location - Robin Hood and the Merry Men (EN)
Robin Hood and the Merry Men CE PRIX EST POUR LA LOCATION DU JEU SEULEMENT Dépôt à la réception du jeu : 55$ Nottingham 1100 A.D.: The True King is away in the Holy Lands and the town is under rule by the evil tyrant, Prince John. He has forced matrimony upon Maid Marian and locked her in his castle against her will. The young princess sends wor...
Wanted 7 (ML)
Wanted 7 (ML)
Wanted 7 La tension monte dans la région de Golden River, au Far West, pendant la ruée vers l’or. Les personnes les plus influentes de la région voient leurs intérêts menacés. Ils ont besoin de protection! Tous cherchent les meilleurs tireurs et les membres des 7 bandes les plus recherchées se réunissent habituellement dans le saloon. Saurez-vo...
Ticket to Mars (ML)
Ticket to Mars (ML)
Ticket to Mars Dans Ticket to Mars, chaque joueur doit évacuer dans les dernières fusées quittant la Terre, le plus de personnes possibles : mais pas n'importe qui. Le jeu se déroule en plusieurs manches. A chaque manche les joueurs auront 3 objectifs qui leur sont propres. Chacun joue avec les même 5 cartes ( une couleur différente par joueur),...
Apprendre l'Anglais à la Ferme (ML)
Apprendre l'Anglais à la Ferme Apprendre l'anglais à la ferme est tout d'abord un puzzle de 24 morceaux.Cherchez les pièces, assemblez les et créez un puzzle de 68cm x 47.5cmUne fois terminé, regardez-le avec votre téléphone portable ou votre tablette et découvrez les animaux de la ferme ainsi que des objets caractéristiques en 3D.Écoutez et app...