Nemesis Lockdown (EN)

Nemesis Lockdown (EN)
Nemesis Lockdown Nemesis Lockdown is first stand alone expansion to Nemesis. During the game, players will be taken to totally new location - a secret base on Mars, represented by a multi level board. Lockdown will keep the highly cinematic, semi-co-op experience of the original game, while introducing a lot of new, fresh mechanics.During the t...
Clank ! Promo Pack 1 (EN)

Clank ! Promo Pack 1 (EN)
Clank ! Promo Pack 1 The 15 game cards in this Promo Pack were originally released from 2016 through 2020, through a variety of methods.These cards can be shuffled into your Dungeon Deck during setup. It is not recommended to include more than one copy of each card in your game - if you already have a copy of a given card from its original relea...

Dice Throne - Santa vs Krampus (EN)
Dice Throne - Santa vs Krampus Each year, the Mad King hosts a tournament of champions with the greatest prize a hero could ever want: The Throne. Will you be the one bold enough to take it?Dice Throne is a competitive or team-based dice rolling combat game with variable player powers.A heart-pumping, fast-playing game of skilled card p...
Fit to Print (EN)

Fit to Print (EN)
Fit to Print The front page is due and you have no time for perfection. Grab the big stories, and make sure you get the right photos too. A newspaper is a business, so the money has to come from somewhere — don’t forget the ads! After you’ve picked out a combination of stories, photos, and ads, lay out the front page. Did you take enough tiles t...
Gods of Rome (EN)

Gods of Rome (EN)
Gods of Rome (EN) The gods are divided. Rome has lost its way. We must restore its glory! With the favor of the gods, we shall lead our people to become the chosen tribe that will bring unity and strength to the empire once again. Gods of Rome is a competitive area-control game that uses worker placement and card activation and lasts around 60 m...

Location - Sync or Swim (EN)
Sync or Swim CE PRIX EST POUR LA LOCATION DU JEU SEULEMENT Dépôt à la réception du jeu : 10$ Inspired by real life synchronized swimming, Sync or Swim focuses on teamwork, collaboration, and communication.Each round, teammates plan the perfect routine while taking direction from the team captain. The clock starts and players start trading, placi...

Location - Pic nic Twist (ML)
Picnic Twist CE PRIX EST POUR LA LOCATION DU JEU SEULEMENT Dépôt à la réception du jeu : 10$ Construisez un espace de pique-nique précieux avec de la nourriture et des nappes assorties. Dans Picnic Twist, les joueurs essaient d'organiser au mieux leurs repas de pique-nique et leurs nappes, en rédigeant des cartes de style dominos, puis en les pl...

Location - Math Cosmic Junior (ML)
Math Cosmic Junior CE PRIX EST POUR LA LOCATION DU JEU SEULEMENT Dépôt à la réception du jeu : 15$ Ce jeu amusant sur le thème de l’espace travaille les additions et les soustractions.SOS Météo! On annonce une pluie torrentielle de comètes dans la galaxie Nébula Calcula. Vite, il faut mettre sa flotte spatiale à l’abri des intempéries. Quel joue...

Location - Math Cosmic (ML)
Math Cosmic CE PRIX EST POUR LA LOCATION DU JEU SEULEMENT Dépôt à la réception du jeu : 15$ SOS Météo! On annonce une pluie torrentielle de comètes dans la galaxie Nébula Multiplicata. Vite, il faut mettre l’équipage à l’abri des intempéries. Quel astronaute saura faire preuve de stratégie et utiliser ses habiletés en calcul mental afin d’être l...

Location - Opération Boule de Neige / Snowball Operation (ML)
Opération Boule de Neige / Snowball Operation CE PRIX EST POUR LA LOCATION DU JEU SEULEMENT Dépôt à la réception du jeu : 25$ C’est une chaude journée d’été! Vous rêvez depuis longtemps de participer au party fruité du parc Bora Fruta et surtout de goûter une fameuse sucette glacée 3 couleurs! Pour pouvoir l’obtenir, vous devrez relever des défi...

Unlock ! Kids 2 Stories From the Past (EN)
Unlock ! Kids 2 Stories From the Past The escape game bestseller… in a version made for kids! Three extraordinary stories, filled with puzzles, riddles, and surprises, with materials and rules especially designed for kids. No app, no need to read the rules thanks to the tutorial, and two outcomes for each adventure, for more replayability.Based ...

Marvel Champions LCG - X-23 Hero Pack (EN)
Marvel Champions LCG - X-23 Hero Pack Created as a clone of Wolverine, Laura Kinney–also known as the hero X-23–shares her “father’s” claws and healing factor. As a child, she was exploited by the malicious Facility, but now she has become a fierce protector of the young and the innocent, and she’s tearing her way into your games of Marvel Champ...

Too Many Bones- Static Expansion (EN)
Too Many Bones- Static Expansion (EN)** Jeu en anglais seulement ** Enhance your Too Many Bones experience by adding Static, the Brawler! This ebullient, muscle-bound Gearloc might not attack on every turn, but when he does, look out! The first playable martial artist in Too Many Bones, Static can meditate on turns when he doesn't deal damage, a...

Too Many Bones- Polaris Expansion (EN)
Too Many Bones- Polaris Expansion (EN)** Jeu en anglais seulement ** Enhance your Too Many Bones experience by adding Polaris, the Geologist! Unleash the hidden power of magnets with Polaris, a versatile new Gearloc for Too Many Bones. Polaris's power lies in her Trajectory Board, where she place powerful magnetic orbs that manipulate the flow o...

Too Many Bones- Carcass Expansion (EN)
Too Many Bones- Carcass Expansion (EN)** Jeu en anglais seulement ** Enhance your Too Many Bones experience by adding Carcass, the Survivalist! Baddies are back on the menu! Carcass, the survivalist Gearloc, is never one to let an enemy go to waste. If he collects a Baddie, you can be sure he'll salvage every piece of it, with recipes that trans...

Too Many Bones- 40 Waves In Daelore Expansion (EN)
Too Many Bones- 40 Waves In Daelore Expansion (EN)** Jeu en anglais seulement ** Have you seen all the Sibron River has to offer? Think again. 40 Waves in Daelore sails in with a host of new Too Many Bones Encounters and Baddies, all designed for the mechanics of Too Many Bones: Undertow. Expansion only. Requires Undertow to play. 12 + ...

Too Many Bones- 40 Caves In Daelore Expansion (EN)
Too Many Bones- 40 Caves In Daelore Expansion (EN)** Jeu en anglais seulement ** These caves are bigger than anyone thought possible! 40 Caves in Daelore throws you into the deadly tunnels under The Break, with new Encounters and Baddies designed for the mechanics of Too Many Bones: Unbreakable. Expansion only. Requires Unbreakable to play. 12 +...
Burncycle (EN)

Burncycle (EN)
Burncycle (EN)** Jeu en anglais seulement ** Order the critically acclaimed squad tactics stealth thriller of the future! burncycle is a pulse-pounding strategic infiltration game for 1-4 players. Whether playing solo or co-op, players must take risks and consider their best possible turn compositions to move a team of robots through the hostile...
Peek-A-Boo Zoo (ML)

Peek-A-Boo Zoo (ML)
Peek - A - Boo Zoo Un des animaux du zoo s’est échappé et vous devez deviner lequel! Déplacez votre pion sur le plateau de jeu et jetez un coup d’œil aux indices qui vous permettront de trouver quel animal s’est échappé.Soyez le premier à arriver sur la dernière case et à démasquer le fugitif pour remporter la partie! 3 + 10 min ...

Zombicide - Undead Or Alive- Gears And Guns (EN)
Zombicide - Undead Or Alive- Gears And Guns (EN)Gears & Guns features an alternate setting to Undead Or Alive, in a world powered by steam! The new survivors and the equipment they have feature new Full Steam rules, unleashing tremendous power against zombies at the risk of getting depleted. Explore the retro-futuristic city of Bolton’s Reac...
Age Of Champagne (ML)

Age Of Champagne (ML)
Age Of Champagne AoC - Age of Champagne vous plonge dans la peau d'un jeune Chef de cave qui hérite du domaine viticole familial. En mode compétitif, parmi de nombreuses actions possibles, vous devrez faire des investissements judicieux, optimiser la transformation de vos précieux raisins pour répondre aux demandes des différents marchés. 3 ouvr...
Wok'up (ML)

Wok'up (ML)
Wok'up (ML)Les Championnats du Monde de Wok sont ouverts. Saurez-vous réaliser 5 recettes avant les autres cuisiniers Ninja ? Un jeu de réflexion et de rapidité pour les Maîtres du Kung Food ! 7 + 15 - 30 min 2 - 6 joueur(s)
Perspectives (EN)

Perspectives (EN)
Perspectives (EN) Perspectives is an information sharing investigation game where players work together to solve the cases. In Perspectives, each player holds key information for piecing together what has happened in a case and to try and find a solution. Player will need to cross-reference photos, reports, and clues…without looking at the docum...

7 Wonders - Architects- Medals (EN)
7 Wonders - Architects - Medals This expansion features two new Wonders (the Colosseum of Rome and the Ziggurat of Ur), new Progress tokens and a new game element: Medals. These are objectives to be achieved before your neigbours to gain extra Victory Points. This expansion brings new strategies to the base game 7 Wonders Architects, but the vic...