Tammany Hall (EN)
Tammany Hall (EN)
Tammany Hall Tammany Hall is a game of backstabbing, corruption, temporary alliances, and taking power at all costs. If you want to rule New York, you are going to need to play the city's growing immigrant populations against one another. Help the immigrant groups who owe you political favors, call in those favors to slander your rivals, and ...
Terraforming Mars - Turmoil Expansion (EN)
Terraforming Mars - Turmoil Expansion Turmoil, the fifth expansion to Terraforming Mars, takes players back to Mars, and the struggle for control and progress of human society on a big and dangerous planet. The expansion includes new corporations, new projects, and a new type of cards — Global Events, from dust storms to riots to rising alloy d...
Underwater Cities (EN)
Underwater Cities (EN)
Underwater Cities In Underwater Cities, which takes about 30-45 minutes per player, players represent the most powerful brains in the world, brains nominated due to the overpopulation of Earth to establish the best and most livable underwater areas possible.The main principle of the game is card placement. Three colored cards are placed along ...
Expedition to Newdale (EN)
Expedition to Newdale (EN)
Expedition to Newdale (EN) Expedition to Newdale is the new Oh my Goods! game from renowned designer Alexander Pfister. In this board game adaption of the successful card game, 1 to 4 players from 12 and up compete in different chapters to experience the world of the Longsdale kingdom once again. The story of Expedition to Newdale starts about f...
Agricola : Corbarius Deck - Expansion (EN)
Agricola : Corbarius Deck - Expansion Agricola: Corbarius Deck expands WizKids C-Deck from 60 to 168 occupation and minor improvement cards. 12 + 60 - 120 min 1 - 6 joueurs
Location - Marvel Heroes
Location - Marvel Heroes
Marvel Heroes (anglais) CE PRIX EST POUR LA LOCATION DU JEU SEULEMENT Dépôt à la réception du jeu : 30$ Marvel Heroes is a game set in the Marvel Universe for 2 to 4 players, with plenty of opportunities for cooperation and competition between the Super Heroes controlled by the players. Players take control of a group of Super Heroes (X-Men, Fan...
US Telegraph (ML)
US Telegraph (ML)
US Telegraph Nous sommes au XIXème siècle aux États-Unis et un projet gigantesque de construction d'un télégraphe reliant la Californie et le reste du pays est lancé. Chaque joueur, à la tête d'une compagnie d'investissement, va participer au développement de sa ville en finançant de nouveaux projets de construction et en participant à l'édific...
Barker's Row (EN)
Barker's Row (EN)
Barker's Row (anglais) is a 2-4 player game in which you are a carnival barker trying to fill your 3D chipboard seats with "rube" meeples by playing the most fantastic attractions. You draft these barker cards from a community pool and play them into the midway. Then you use those cards to play one of fifty or so attractions that will amaze and ...
Viral (EN)
Viral (EN)
Viral (anglais)You are a VIRUS that has just infected a human body. Now you have to spread out and mutate your virus in order to infect other organs to gain VIRAL POINTS. But watch out for the other VIRUS controlled by other players and the powerful IMMUNE SYSTEM! VIRAL is a 2-5 players competitive boardgame in which each player controls a virus...
Titanium Wars - Confrontation Expansion (EN)
Titanium Wars - Confrontation Expansion (anglais)The first extension for the galactic combat game ! The wars have reached the end of the galaxy, new alliances have been formed. The new “Confrontation” game mode offers two new ways to play: forge an alliance with another player and fight two enemies simultaneously in an epic 2v2 game, or duke it ...
Terraforming Mars - Venus Next Expansion (EN)
Terraforming Mars - Venus Next Expansion , the second expansion for the Terraforming Mars base game, has players building flying cities and making the atmosphere more hospitable on the deadly planet Venus. In Venus Next, the World Government chooses to also fund the terraforming of Venus. Around 50 project cards and 5 corporations are added, ...
Sultans de Karaya (ML)
Sultans de Karaya (ML)
Sultans de KarayaAux confins de l’océan Indien se trouve l’archipel de Karaya divisé en plusieurs petits pays, chacun dirigé par un Sultan. Il n’est donc pas étonnant que sa place soit toujours très convoitée. Le but est de se joindre aux vainqueurs en complotant. A vous d’utiliser adroitement les pouvoirs de votre personnage pour parvenir à vos...
Smash Up - the Obligatory Cthulhu Expansion (EN)
Smash Up - the Obligatory Cthulhu Expansion (anglais) features crazy Cthulhu cultists, fishy Innsmouth locals, horrifying Elder Things, and good old Miskatonic University members (the Fightin' Cephalopods). To be certain we got it right, this set also includes a new card type fittingly known as "Madness" that each of these groups can use to vari...
Smash Up - Science Fiction Double Feature Expansion (EN)
Smash Up - Science Fiction Double Feature Expansion (EN) Smash Up is back with even more wild factions in the mix! Science Fiction Double Feature brings four new decks to the base-smashing business with abilities unlike those seen before! Time Travelers allow you to reuse your cards time and time again Cyborg Apes take actions that attach to ...
Smash Up - Munchkin (EN)
Smash Up - Munchkin (EN)
Smash Up - Munchkin The "shufflebuilding" game Smash Up starts with a simple premise: Take the twenty-card decks of two factions, shuffle them into a forty-card deck, then compete to smash more Bases than your opponents! Each faction brings a different powers and sometimes different game mechanisms into play, so every combination of factions bri...
Smash Up - Monster Smash Expansion (EN)
Smash Up - Monster Smash Expansion (EN) turns over the wheel to all of you! Through a huge nomination and run-off process, players from all over the world helped choose four of the factions that take part in Smash Up: It's Your Fault!. The winning four factions were Sharks, Superheroes, Mythic Greeks, and Dragons - with the "Shark Delivery Syst...
What's Yours Like (EN) jeu usagé
What's Yours Like ? CE PRIX EST POUR LA VERSION USAGÉE DU JEU SEULEMENT À noter que la plupart de nos jeux usagés ont un autocollant d'Infini-Jeux sur la boîte Just like the extremely popular Orchard Game, but much smaller. This sweet version is small enough to fit in a purse or small backpack. Perfect game for the whole family while you wait at...
Fleet Commander (EN)
Fleet Commander (EN)
Fleet Commander (anglais)Prenez la tête d'une flotte interstellaire et menez vos vaisseaux à la guerre ! Dans l'espace, frégates et cuirassés s'affrontent sans relâche dans des combats épiques. Votre but : réduire l'armée adverse à néant ! Fleet Commander est un jeu de bataille spatiale avec figurines intensément tactique. Doté d'un système de j...
Cyclades - Hades Extension (ML)
Cyclades - Hades Extension Après une courte période de paix sur l’archipel de Cyclades, l’heure est à la négociation d’alliances et à la reprise des hostilités. Partout en Grèce se susurre le retour d’Hadès et de son armée de morts-vivants… Cette extension se compose de quatre modules et offre de nombreuses nouvelles possibilités : - Il est déso...
Amun-Re le Jeu de Cartes (ML)
Amun-Re le Jeu de Cartes Le jeu de cartes «Amun-Re» se déroule pendant l’Égypte ancienne. La partie dure trois périodes, pendant lesquelles vous allez acquérir puis développer trois Provinces. Pour gagner, vous devez contrôler les Provinces les plus prospères, faire les plus belles Offrandes à Amun-Re et construire le plus de pyramides possible....