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Marvel Champions LCG - Magneto Hero Pack (EN)
$21.99 CAD
Marvel Champions LCG - Magneto Hero Pack Formerly the X-Men’s greatest foe, Erik Lehnsherr—better known as Magneto—renounced his villainous ways and took up his friend Xavier’s dream of peaceful coexistence between mutants and humans. Now, he fights alongside the X-Men as a hero in his own right, and he’s commanding his way into your games of Ma...
Res Arcana - Duo (EN)

Res Arcana - Duo (EN)
$32.99 CAD
Res Arcana - Duo Res Arcana Duo is both an expansion for Res Arcana and a standalone, two-player game that can be combined with the Res Arcana expansions Lux et Tenebrae and Perlae Imperii.Gameplay is the same as in the original game: Life, Death, Elan, Calm, and Gold are the essences that fuel the art of magic. Choose your mage, gather essence...

Marvel Champions JCE - Nightcrawler Paquet Héros (FR)
$21.99 CAD
Marvel Champions JCE - Nightcrawler Paquet Heros Un nouveau Hero Pack pour Marvel Champions : The Card Game mettant en vedette Nightcrawler, un membre des X-Men qui peut se téléporter rapidement dans et hors du danger. Ce pack de héros comprend également un nouvel ensemble de rencontres optionnel sur le thème du Crazy Gang, un groupe de criminel...

Marvel Champions LCG - Nightcrawler Hero Pack (EN)
$21.99 CAD
Marvel Champions LCG - Nightcrawler Hero Pack The X-Men would not be complete without the Nightcrawler Hero Pack! This expansion comes with a 40-card pre-built deck, giving you the chance to start playing from the moment you open the box. - A new Hero Pack for Marvel Champions: The Card Game featuring Nightcrawler, a member of the X-Men who can ...

Marvel Champions JCE - Jubilee Paquet Héros (FR)
$21.99 CAD
Marvel Champions JCE - Jubilee Paquet Heros Orpheline à l'adolescence, Jubilation Lee a survécu seule en s'installant dans son centre commercial préféré. Après que son pouvoir mutant de générer de l'énergie explosive se soit manifesté, elle a trouvé une nouvelle maison avec les X-Men. Maintenant, elle utilise ses pouvoirs en tant que héros, Jubi...

Marvel Champions LCG - Jubilee Hero Pack (EN)
$21.99 CAD
Marvel Champions LCG - Jubilee Hero Pack Orphaned as a teenager, Jubilation Lee survived on her own by taking up residence in her favorite shopping mall. After her mutant power to generate explosive energy manifested, she found a new home with the X-Men. Now she uses her powers as the hero, Jubilee, and she is popping into your games of Marvel C...
Marvel United - Multiverse : Team Decks (FR)

Marvel United - Multiverse : Team Decks (FR)
$20.99 CAD
Marvel United - Multiverse : Team Decks Bien sûr, chaque super héros est fort par lui-même. Mais lorsqu'ils font équipe, ils peuvent devenir imparables. Grâce à leurs divers programmes d'entraînement, les héros d'une équipe peuvent créer des stratégies spéciales qui exploitent les points forts de l'équipe. L'extension Team Decks pour Marvel Unit...